“The Vigilante” Sting will battle “The King of Kings” Triple H this Sunday at WrestleMania 31. Sting apparently trains with Athlean-X’s trainer and they posted a video which shows him in a great shape.
Here’s what they posted:
“At the age of 56 and after 30 years of never appearing in a WWE ring, one of TEAM ATHLEAN’S own…STING will make his mark this Sunday. Never seen a guy work harder for something. Now…it’s Showtime!”
Below is the video that they posted on their official facebook page and they also have a special Stinger workout plan.
[fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10152693745871479&set=vb.108999131478&type=2&theater/” width=”550″/]