On this day in Pro Wrestling history on May 24, 1999, the World Wrestling Federation presented a special edition of RAW IS WAR titled “RAW IS OWEN”.
Tribute to the late Owen Hart (who died the previous night in an accident at Over The Edge 1999) was paid on this episode of RAW. The show began with a 10-bell salute to Owen & a tribute promo.
You can watch it below:
It should be noted that newly crowed WWF Champion The Undertaker didn’t appear on the show, as he was in Calgary with the Hart family.
Below are the results from the show:
– Jeff Jarrett def. Test
– WWF Tag Team Championship Match: Kane & X-Pac (c) def. Edge & Gangrel to retain the Titles.
– The Hardy Boyz (Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy) def. Kaientai (Taka Michinoku & Sho Funaki)
– Ken Shamrock def. Hardcore Holly
– Mankind def. Billy Gunn via count-out
– D-Lo Brown & Mark Henry def. The Acolytes (Bradshaw & Faarooq)
– WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: The Godfather (c) vs. Road Dogg ended in a no contest when both men chose not to compete.
– Triple H def. Al Snow
– The Big Show def. Goldust
– The Rock def. Val Venis
The show ended with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin paying tribute to Owen. You can watch it below:
This episode of RAW drew a 7.2 Nielsen rating, which is the highest for a special edition of RAW and the 3rd highest rating among all RAWs ever.