• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (April 18, 1993) – WWF All American Wrestling
On this day in 1993, the World Wrestling Federation aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF All American Wrestling’.
It featured pre-taped matches, interviews & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WWF King of the Ring 1993’ PPV.
The card can be found right here:
– Owen Hart vs. Bam Bam Bigelow (Superstars 4/17/93)
– The Steiner Brothers vs. The Executioners (Challenge 4/11/93)
– Highlights of Sensational Sherri/Luna Vachon brawl (From Monday Night Raw)
– El Matador vs. Dale Wolfe (Challenge 4/18/93)
– Yokozuna vs. Typhoon (North Charleston, SC 3/8/93)
– Mr. Perfect vs. Barry Hardy (Superstars 4/17/93)
– Doink The Clown vs. Jim Powers (Challenge 4/18/93)
– Highlights of Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels Ladder Match from Smack Em Whack Em 1992
• The Undertaker Open To Working More Boneyard Matches Under 1 Condition
During a recent live Instagram stream with Nine Line Apparel, The Undertaker revealed that he’s open to working more Boneyard matches, but it would need to be with wrestlers who understand how to work their characters/gimmicks, and not just rely on doing moves.
Below is what The American Badass said:
“I think because that one was so successful, I think it lends to that [more Boneyard matches].
But, this isn’t a pat on the back, but you’ve gotta have the right players to do that. Guys that really understand their characters and they still rely on that part of the business, not just the athletic side of the business, which I think more guys lean that way now.”
How about Undertaker vs. Sting in a Boneyard match!?
Also Read: Details For “Dinner With The Undertaker” Revealed
WATCH: Sara (Undertaker’s Ex-Wife) In Bikini – Video #1: