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TNA-GFW Invasion Over, Bound For Glory 2015 Main Event Revealed

Below are the full results from the recent set of TNA Impact Wrestling tapings which featured the TNA vs. GFW angle, build-up for Bound For Glory 2015, return of Jeff Hardy and more.

#Spoiler# TNA Impact Wrestling Taping on July 28th
* GFW vs TNA – Tommaso Ciampa def. Crazzy Steve

Impact Wrestling:
* Mr. Anderson def. Bram
(Open Mic match)
* Eric Young def. Chris Melendez
(Winner gets posession of Melendez’s prosthetic leg)
* The Wolves def. Abyss and Manik
* Brooke vs Velvet Sky ends in a no-contest.
* Bobby Roode def. James Storm, Lashley, and Mr. Anderson
(4-way #1 contenders match for the TNA King Of The Mountain title)
* Dixie Carter And Jeff Jarrett in ring segment
* Jeff Jarrett Heel Turn
* GFW wrestlers lay out the TNA wrestlers
* Bram beats Kenny King
(Open Fight Night)
* Beautiful People Reunion
* Tigre Uno def. Sonjay Dutt and DJ Z
(TNA X Division title match)

* The Jarretts & GFW roster in ring promo
* Jarrett announces a hostile takeover of TNA.
* GFW using Magnus’ old feast of fired briefcase to get a TNA World Tag Team title shot
* Trevor Lee and Brian Myers def. The Wolves to become the new TNA World Tag Team Champions
* EC3 def. Matt Hardy
(TNA World Title match)
* Because of the Stipulation, Jeff Hardy will now be the newest personal assistant of EC3
* Bobby Roode def. PJ Black to become the new TNA King Of The Mountain Champion.
* Dixie Carter and Jeff Jarrett in-ring segment
* They set up a TNA vs. GFW Lethal Lockdown match, winner gets control of TNA

#Spoiler# TNA Impact Wrestling Taping on July 29th
* Tigre Uno and Mandrews beat TJP (Manik unmasked) and DJ Z
* EC3 introduces his new assistant Jeff Hardy
* EC3 and Tyrus def. Matt Hardy and Rockstar Spud
* Jeff Jarrett & Bobby Roode in-ring segment
* Tigre Uno, Robbie E and Micah def. Eli Drake, Kenny King and Jessie Godderz
* Brooke vs Gail Kim ends in a no-contest.
* The Wolves def. Trevor Lee & Brian Myers to regain the TNA World Tag Team titles
* Sarge Chris Melendez / Eric Young segment
* Chris Mordetzky def. Drew Galloway
(Lumberjack match)
*Eric Young turns on TNA and joins GFW
* Mahabali Sheera def. Abyss
* Dixie Carter and Jeff Jarrett – TNA vs. GFW Lethal Lockdown match contract signing
* Jeff Jarrett knocks out Jeremy Borash
* Gail Kim def. Brooke, Awesome Kong, and Lei’D Tapa to become the new TNA Knockouts Champion
* Matt Hardy def. Jessie Godderz
* Team GFW: Sonjay Dutt, Eric Young, Brian Myers, Chris Mordetzky & Jeff Jarrett
* Team TNA: Drew Galloway, Davey Richards, Lashley, Eddie Edwards & Bram
* TNA Wrestling def. Global Force Wrestling
(Lethal Lockdown match for control of TNA Wrestling)

#Spoiler# TNA Impact Wrestling Taping on July 30th

* Tigre Uno def. Kenny King
(X-Division Championship match)
* Dixie Carter promo
* Chris Melendez def. Eric Young
(Lumberjack match)
* Gail Kim def. Jade
(Knockouts Championship match)
* Ethan Carter 3 def. Rockstar Spud
(TNA World Championship match)
* Drew Galloway def. Lashley, Bram, Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards
(#1 Contender’s Elimination match)
* Awesome Kong def. Brooke
* Trevor Lee def. DJ Zema Ion, Tommaso Ciampa
* Shera def. James Storm
(No DQ Match)
* The Dollhouse def. The Beautiful People
(3-on-2 handicap match)
* Drew Galloway & Matt Hardy def. Ethan Carter III & Tyrus
* Jeff Hardy announced as the special guest referee in the Bound For Glory Main Event.

Matches Confirmed for the TNA Bound For Glory 2015 PPV in North Carolina on October 4th:

* Ethan Carter 3 (c) vs. Drew Galloway
(TNA World Title match / Guest Referee: Jeff Hardy)

* Bobby Roode (c) vs. Bobby Lashley
(TNA King of The Mountain Title match)

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