The much-anticipated docuseries “Who Killed WCW?” premiered on June 4th on Vice, offering a four-part exploration into the rise and fall of World Championship Wrestling. Produced by the team behind “Dark Side of the Ring” and The Rock’s Seven Bucks Productions, the series promises a comprehensive look at the once-dominant wrestling promotion.
Despite the series’ aim to provide an unbiased account of WCW’s success and subsequent collapse, skepticism persists.
Tony Schiavone, the iconic voice of WCW, has openly expressed his doubts about the documentary’s objectivity. Schiavone, who was a key figure in WCW from its inception in the late 1980s until its demise in 2001, believes the series will not present an accurate depiction of events.
Speaking on his “What Happened When” podcast, Schiavone revealed he has no plans to watch the show, anticipating it will be a “hatchet job”.
“I have watched some of the ‘Dark Side of the Ring,’ but I won’t watch that,” Schiavone stated. “Because I know what it is — it’s a hatchet job.”
This perspective is rooted in Schiavone’s firsthand experience with WCW’s tumultuous history, providing him a unique insight into the company’s internal dynamics.
Conversely, Evan Husney, one of the series’ producers, emphasized the enthusiastic involvement of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. According to Husney, The Rock was passionate about the project and insisted on being interviewed after viewing early cuts of the film.
The Great One played a significant role in ensuring the documentary highlighted WCW’s strengths and contributions to the wrestling industry, rather than simply portraying it as a failed competitor to the WWF/E.
The 1st episode of “Who Killed WCW?” on VICE drew 138,000 viewers with a 0.03 rating in the 18-49 demo.
Also Read: Eric Bischoff Reacts To Bret Hart Calling Him Hulk Hogan’s Puppet On “Who Killed WCW?”
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