• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (June 5, 1995) – WWF Monday Night RAW
On this day in 1995, the World Wrestling Federation aired another episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF Monday Night RAW’.
It was taped at the Struthers High School in Struthers, Ohio and featured matches, interviews & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WWF King of the Ring 1995’ PPV.
Here’s the card:
1. Savio Vega vs. Kenny Kendall
2. Skip vs. Barry Horowitz
3. Owen Hart vs. Davey Boy Smith
4. Jean Pierre Lafitte vs. Jerry Flynn
• Undertaker Stayed In The Dark For 2 Weeks After His Biggest Loss In WWE
While speaking on the Bill Simmons podcast, The Undertaker discussed the history of his legendary WrestleMania Streak, and how he felt after it ended.
Below are the highlights:
On the Streak coming to an end:
“From watching it back, it was like boom, all the air got taken out of the arena.”
On the concussion he suffered during the match:
“No one even knew. Brock got hyper nervous about it but you could tell, maybe for the casual fan you couldn’t tell but anyone who follows our business could tell. My memory of that day stops at about 3:30 in the afternoon, that’s the last memory I have.
My wife had come backstage as she normally does before I start going through my process, I had told her what was going to happen and calmed her down and that was it. I have no recollection of the match, it was 4 in the morning before I even knew what my name was.”
On how long it took for him to heal up:
“I basically stayed in my room in the dark for 2 weeks. I’ve been concussed before, but never to that level. I’ve never had the lingering headache and sensitivity to the light, that had never happened to that extreme before. It was strange. Not being able to remember, I had been concussed a few times and been able to finish the match and know when it happened but not that time.”
On not being able to figure out at which point he suffered the concussion:
“I can’t. I’ve watched that match so close and picked it apart and I just can’t tell. There’s nothing that really stands out, sometimes you can tell by the way your head hits something but I’ve watched it back and can’t pinpoint where it happened. I can get in the area because I can tell where my body language and pacing stops but there’s nothing that should have caused a concussion.”
On him passing the torch to Lesnar at WrestleMania 30:
“I remember Hogan beating Andre and from where the industry was at the time, you still think man that’s Andre. Hulk was getting that super mega push and the face of wrestling but you still said man that’s Andre the Giant, how are they going to do this? When it happened you were like ‘Wow okay’, and it was the same with Brock. A lot of people were upset about it, a lot of people felt he didn’t need it or it could have been somebody else but business is business.”
On when WWE realized that The Streak was a big deal:
“I think it was versus [Ric] Flair in Toronto. At the end of that, I held up the fingers and counted them out. Before that somebody had said to me ‘You know you’re undefeated right?’ and I said ‘Oh really’, I had no clue.
We were so in the groove, 300 days a year, at that time you don’t think about your win-loss record and all that. And then it took on a life of its own. That’s just unheard of to be 10-0 at WrestleMania and then it went to 21 before Brock beat me.”
On Vince McMahon deciding to have The Streak ended several times but people convincing him to keep it intact:
“There were some creative meetings where it came up about various different people beating the Streak and I think it was one of those rare occasions where a lot of people just said ‘Vince, you can’t do that, we have something here.’ There was whoever the main event was and who ever was going to try and beat the streak that year. It was a double main event.”