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WCW Legend Fires Back At Rene Dupree For Saying Goldberg Hurt Him

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I would imagine so. I could be wrong, but when I hear talk like that, as far as, ‘He broke my collarbone.’ The time to speak up about that collarbone thing was back then and say, ‘Bro, what the hell are you doing? Are you about to hurt me? Hit me like that one more time and see what happens. We can fight.’

I’m just saying that’s what I would have said. I wouldn’t be talking 15 years later about how bad it hurt. I just hate to hear people talk like that. I’m sure he wishes he was the person in that spot where he was the guy in that spot.

When I hear a guy like that disparage a guy like Goldberg and call him crap, like I said, I hate talking about stuff like this, but when you put yourself out there, Goldberg’s a friend of mine. I’m gonna defend him on this.

I’ve always been fond of Rene Dupree as well, but when I hear him talk like this many years later, I’m very surprised because this is the same guy Bob Holly beat up. I wouldn’t even call it beaten up, assaulted, and he didn’t even try to fight back, beat him to the locker room all the way out the back door out of the building. And he never tried once to fight back…Some people should just lay out when it comes to making comments like that.

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