• “Why would you put him in this faction that looks like a release from a mental institution?” – John Cena Sr. On T-Bar
During a recent interview with Boston Wrestling MWF, John Cena Sr. (father of WWE Legend John Cena) talked about the RETRIBUTION faction and how he’s not a fan of this storyline.
Here’s what Cena Sr. said:
“It should go south quick. It should be over and done with. You talk about violence on the streets, why not put it on TV and say it’s okay. You know what, I’m not a fan of this type of wrestling. I am not a fan of these types of characters. It just doesn’t work, never has, never will.
Whoever thought of it, I’m not going to go there cause I got a pretty good idea, the stupidity of putting this together.
First of all WWE, it’s unbelievable that these people… you had a guy out there that was causing problems in NXT, the police were called, he got a restraining order on him and then you get this storyline where we’re going to allow people to blow up things, we’re going to allow them to throw boulders through the windows, cut up our rings and it’s okay, you know what, you’re so screwed up we’re going to sign you to a contract. Wow!
It makes absolutely no sense and I wish you couldn’t see it. It’s bad. It’s bad TV, bad storylines, I hope it goes south real fast and that’s just from me to you.
Dijak [T-Bar] is an amazing athlete. This man, I managed him. He was a giant when I took him in. He made himself a star. With my tutelage and his hard work, we had it. We had it.
This man is key. He could be a Superstar by himself. Why would you put him in this faction that looks like a release from a mental institution? Insane. Laugh and joke all you want but I don’t find it funny.”
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• ON THIS DAY IN WCW HISTORY (November 15, 2000) – WCW Thunder
On this day in 2000, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WCW Thunder’ on TBS.
This episode was pre-taped at the Evening News Arena in Manchester, England (UK) and featured matches & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WCW Millennium Final 2000’ PPV.
The card of the show can be found here:
1. WCW Hardcore Title: Crowbar vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
2. No. 1 Contenders Match (CW Title): Kwee Wee vs. Cpl. Cajun vs. Lt. Loco vs. Elix Skipper vs. Billy Kidman vs. Rey Misterio Jr.
3. Booker T. vs. Lance Storm
4. Kevin Nash vs. Mike Sanders
5. Disco Inferno & Alex Wright vs. Konnan & The Cat
6. Goldberg vs. Buff Bagwell
7. Lethal Lottery Tournament Final: Sting vs. Scott Steiner