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Huge Return Planned For April 2017 (After WrestleMania 33)? SmackDown Live Finally Beats Raw In Viewership, Ryback Explains Why John Cena Killed Nexus, Possible Identity Of La Luchadora

Let us take a look at the top WWE News and Professional Wrestling stories of the hour:

8. Mick Foley Doesn’t Want Fans To Donate For His Hip Surgery

WWE Hall of Famer & Raw General Manager Mick Foley revealed that he needs a $60,000 hip replacement surgery, but doesn’t have health insurance to cover the expenses.

Foley noted on Twitter that he doesn’t want the fans to donate for his surgery:

Thanks to everyone for their concern, but PLEASE don’t set up any fund-raising sites for my hip. Donate to groups who truly need the help.

A fan named Abby did set up a “Go Fund Me” account for Foley and raised $600, but all donations from that account have been refunded. Below is what Foley tweeted regarding this:

I know Abby, the lady who set up a fund for my hip replacement means well. But please don’t donate any money to any funds for my me. Thanks.

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