Three former WWE talents viz. Luther Reigns, Ryan Sakoda and Big Russ McCullough have reportedly sued the company for subjecting wrestlers to extreme levels of physical brutality.
The lawsuit filed claims that WWE for decades, “under the guise of providing ‘entertainment’, has put all its wrestlers to very extreme conditions, even leading to diseases like dementia (a sort of mental illness or insanity), Alzheimer’s disease & other ailments. The prosecution claims that WWE is “selling violence” in the name of business, meaning thereby – their source of income could be rendered illegal.
The three have asked for damages, along with an injunction order restraining WWE from subjecting its wrestlers to such brutal physical violence in the future.
For your information, Reigns signed with WWE in 2003 until 2004. He wrestled until 2006 in the independents and suffered a stroke. Sakoda was signed in 2003 until 2004. McCullough worked in WWE developmental and was released in 2001, he never made it to the main roster.