In a groundbreaking move, WWE’s flagship show, Monday Night RAW, is set to shift from traditional television to the streaming giant Netflix in 2025.
The much-discussed move comes on the heels of a jaw-dropping $5 billion, 10-year deal between WWE and Netflix, leaving fans worldwide buzzing with anticipation and questions about the future of the wrestling entertainment landscape.
However, this strategic move also comes with a significant consequence – the discontinuation of the WWE Network (which was originally launched in 2014 and is still operational outside of the US) in various international regions, including nearly all of Europe.
The Wrestling Observer shed light on this development, explaining that WWE Network’s operations in these regions will come to an end by the close of the year, coinciding with the initiation of the Netflix partnership:
“For most of the world, they’re going to be taking over the WWE Network. The WWE Network itself, that exists outside the United States, that will be folding at the end of the year and Netflix will pick up the content.
So a lot of people have asked will they pick up all the content? All the archives? I don’t know. But they will be the sole source of that, the archival content of all the old territories and all the old stuff that was on the old WWE Network. That will, that will move to Netflix outside the United States in January.
And when the Peacock deal is up, if Netflix were to get that, that’d be interesting to see how much more they would pay. Obviously, it’s a $200 million deal per year deal right now. So that’s the next deal. That’s coming up.”
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