News & Stories

WWE News: Stone Cold Reveals An Interesting Story About The Undertaker Teaching Him A Lesson, Top NXT Tag Team Joining WWE Main Roster Soon? Originator of The RKO

The Undertaker - Ministry of Darkness 1999 attire

Let us take a look at the top 8 WWE News & Professional Wrestling stories of the hour:

8. Apollo Crews vs. Sheamus To Be Added To Money In The Bank 2016
Expect Apollo Crews vs. Sheamus to be added to the Money in the Bank 2016 card on tonight’s Raw or tomorrow night’s SmackDown tapings.

Update: This match has been added to WWE Money in the Bank 2016.

The feud between the two started when Sheamus lost to Sami Zayn in a Money in the Bank qualifying match. Sheamus got very angry with this whole “new era of WWE” thing and this led to him attacking Crews backstage.

They have been facing each other at WWE Live Events as of late and Crews has been picking up the win.

7. Adam Rose Says Road Dogg Was Playing “The Bunny” on WWE TV

During a recent Q&A session on Twitter, former WWE wrestler Adam Rose, who is now calling himself Aldo Rose, was asked who played the role of his Bunny on WWE programming. Rose revealed that it was Road Dogg the whole time:

Rose might be joking with this as the Bunny was rumored to be played by Justin Gabriel.

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