News & Stories

WWE News: WWE Draft Date Announced, Kane’s Record Broken, Fans Not Happy With New WWE World Heavyweight Champion

WWE Brand Split Returns - July 2016 (New Era of WWE)

Let us take a look at the top 8 WWE News & Professional Wrestling stories of the hour:

8. Big Cass Being Pushed As The Bigger Star Of Enzo & Cass
While it’s obvious that Big Cass will turn out to be a bigger star if the tag team of Enzo Amore & Colin Cassady splits, but it looks like WWE has already started to push Big Cass as the bigger star of his tag team.

During New Day’s promo at last night’s Money in the Bank 2016, Kofi Kingston said the following about the tag team of Enzo & Cass:

“Small guy runs the mouth while the big guy does all the work”.

7. Why Is WWE Booking Sami Zayn To Lose Most of His Matches?

Former NXT Champion Sami Zayn has been losing a lot of matches as of late. Well, there’s a reason why WWE officials are booking him that way.

Officials think Sami losing more matches would get people behind him and will help in making him a star, similar to what happened with retired WWE wrestler Daniel Bryan.

However, Bryan is the only success story with this kind of booking. Rest of the wrestlers with this kind of booking were stuck in the mid-card.

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