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WWE Producer’s Past Misconduct Allegations Surface Online

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Current WWE producer Lee Fitting was dismissed from ESPN in August 2023 following allegations of misconduct, including inappropriate comments, crude jokes, and objectifying behavior towards women.

A complaint filed in 2023 cited specific incidents, such as suggestive comments, unsolicited feedback on women’s appearances, and pressuring female employees to socialize after hours. Some women described feeling compelled to tolerate inappropriate behavior to avoid ostracism.

According to The Athletic, Fitting allegedly made a crude joke about a woman’s ability to drink beer in 2012, suggesting it related to $exual acts. Fitting denied this through his spokesperson.

In 2014, during a meeting, he reportedly patted his lap and told a female staffer to sit there when no chairs were available, an incident he also denied. In 2018, he allegedly sent a text to a female employee stating, “You look hot,” which left her visibly shaken.

Fitting was also accused of repeatedly making inappropriate jokes, such as asking a female staffer for her hotel room number and bragging about his and his wife’s $ex life. Multiple employees described frequent comments about women’s appearances, which many found crude or humiliating.

For example, he allegedly loudly exclaimed “Goddamn!” in reaction to a woman’s skirt and directed camera crews to find “hot” women in the crowd for broadcasts. At one point, he reportedly ordered Notre Dame cheerleaders removed from a shot, remarking they weren’t as attractive as Oregon cheerleaders.

Female employees shared strategies to cope with his behavior, including one who pretended to document inappropriate comments to deter him. Others felt pressured to socialize with him outside work to avoid being ostracized. Fitting also allegedly gave unsolicited feedback to women about their hair, makeup, and wardrobe, sometimes referencing aspects of their bodies he thought should be concealed. One woman claimed he told her to stop laughing on air, as he found her laugh annoying.

Lee Fitting WWE ESPN

Fitting’s spokesperson denied some allegations while framing others as part of his job to provide feedback to on-air talent. However, several women described a workplace culture under Fitting that frequently objectified women and left many uncomfortable. Some even warned colleagues to avoid meeting him alone. Fitting also justified some remarks by claiming certain women were “one of the guys”.

Despite his dismissal, Fitting was hired by WWE in January 2024 to produce RAW and SmackDown. A WWE spokesperson told The Athletic that the company had no comments regarding the allegations.

Fitting worked for ESPN for 25 years and produced ESPN College GameDay.

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