12/20/77; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Bob Backlund vs. Moose Monroe at 4:53 with the atomic drop
SD Jones vs. Jack Evans
Johnny Rodz vs. Dennis Johnson
Spiros Arion vs. Don Daniels
Mil Mascaras vs. Jose Madena
Tony Garea, Larry Zbyszko, & Dominic DeNucci vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna, Nikolai Volkoff, & Butcher Vachon at 8:22
1/10/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Bob Backlund vs. the Golden Terror
WWWF Tag Team Champions Mr. Fuji & Prof. Toru Tanaka vs. Ted Adams & Steve King
Spiros Arion vs. Pete Reeves
Ken Patera vs. Frank Williams
Dusty Rhodes vs. Sylvano Sousa & John Anthony in a handicap match
Tony Garea & Larry Zbyszko vs. Larry Sharpe & Jack Evans
1/10/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Chief Jay Strongbow & Peter Maivia vs. John Anthony & Joe Turco
Spiros Arion vs. Pete Austin
Jose Estrada vs. Ted Adams
Butcher Vachon vs. Steve King
Mil Mascaras vs. Sylvano Sousa
Tony Garea & Larry Zbyszko vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna & the Golden Terror
1/10/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Ken Patera vs. Mike Madera & Dennis Johnson in a handicap match at 2:44 by pinning both men after slamming Madera onto Johnson
Bob Backlund vs. Jose Estrada at 4:36 with an atomic drop
Chief Jay Strongbow & Peter Maivia vs. WWWF Tag Team Champions Mr. Fuji & Prof. Toru Tanaka (non-title match); the show went off the air with the match still in progress
1/31/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Bob Backlund vs. Frank Marconi at 5:24 with the atomic drop
Chief Jay Strongbow, Peter Maivia, & Dominic DeNucci vs. the Golden Terror, Baron Mikel Scicluna, & Nikolai Volkoff at 8:54 when Strongbow vs. Terror after Terror, Scicluna, & Volkoff collided in the ring
1/31/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Chief Jay Strongbow & Peter Maivia vs. Larry Sharpe & Jack Evans
2/21/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
SD Jones & Dominic DeNucci vs. Stan Stasiak & Baron Mikel Scicluna via disqualification
2/21/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Dino Bravo & Dominci DeNucci vs. Stan Stasiak (w/ the Grand Wizard) & Baron Mikel Scicluna at 5:32 when Bravo vs. Scicluna with a dropkick; during the bout, Wizard briefly joined Vince McMahon for commentary and said he was close to signing a contract with the new WWWF World Champion Bob Backlund
2/21/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Spiros Arion vs. SD Jones
3/14/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Dino Bravo & Dominic DeNucci vs. WWWF Tag Team Champions Mr. Fuji & Prof. Toru Tanaka in a non-title match
Dusty Rhodes vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna with the Bionic elbow drop at 4:59; during the bout, Vince McMahon said he would interview WWWF World Champion Bob Backlund later in the show, during which time Backlund would announce who his manager would be
3/14/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Dino Bravo & Dominic DeNucci vs. two unknowns
Larry Zbyszko vs. WWWF Tag Team Champion Mr. Fuji via referee’s decision after the time-limit expired at 6:11; during the bout, Freddie Blassie briefly joined Vince McMahon for commentary, where Blassie agreed to give Dino Bravo & Dominic DeNucci a tag title shot next week
3/14/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Dino Bravo & Dominic DeNucci vs. WWWF Tag Team Champions Mr. Fuji & Prof. Toru Tanaka to win the titles when DeNucci vs. Tanaka with an airplane spin that knocked down Fuji in the process (Tag Team Champions)
4/4/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
4/4/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
4/4/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
4/25/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
4/25/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Mil Mascaras, Larry Zbyzsko, & Haystacks Calhoun vs. Strong Kobayashi, Tank Patton, & the Golden Terror at 8:31 when Mascaras vs. Patton with the crossbody off the top
4/25/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Ken Patera vs. three unknowns in a tug-o-war contest
Superstar Billy Graham & Luke Graham vs. Larry Zbyszko & SD Jones
8/8/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Chief Jay Strongbow, Haystacks Calhoun, & Tony Garea vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna, Tony Russo, & Stan Stasiak at 8:52 when Russo submitted to Strongbow’s sleeper
Victor Rivera vs. an unknown
8/8/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Spiros Arion (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. SD Jones at 7:19 with a small package
Dominic DeNucci vs. Johnny Rodz via submission with an abdominal stretch at 3:07
Dino Bravo vs. Butcher Vachon at 6:31 after a dropkick sent Vachon through the turnbuckles and into the ringpost
Victor Rivera (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Jose Estrada with a butterfly suplex at 4:28
Tony Garea vs. Stan Stasiak via referee’s decision after the time-limit expired at 9:17
8/8/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Crusher Blackwell (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. Luis Logo at 3:44 with a running powerslam
Haystacks Calhoun, Larry Zbyszko, & Dominic DeNucci vs. Butcher Vachon, Stan Stasiak, & Baron Mikel Scicluna
8/29/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
8/29/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
8/29/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
9/19/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Ivan Koloff (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Frank Williams with a backbreaker at 5:38
Chief Jay Strongbow vs. Frank Monroe
Ernie Ladd (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. SD Jones with a legdrop at 2:57
Stan Stasiak & Spiros Arion fought Tony Garea & Larry Zbyzsko to a draw
Dino Bravo vs. Paul Vachon
9/19/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
WWWF World Champion Bob Backlund & Peter Maivia vs. Stan Stasiak & Baron Mikel Scicluna
Jerry Blackwell vs. Steve Cagle
Ernie Ladd vs. Charlie Brown
Luke Graham vs. Jerry Ralph
Spiros Arion vs. Larry Zbyzsko via count-out
Victor Rivera vs. Steve King
9/19/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Dominic DeNucci vs. Jose Estrada
Jerry Blackwell vs. Dave Darrow
Ernie Ladd vs. Jim Raye & Steve King in a handicap match
Victor Rivera vs. Jerry Ralph
The Yukon Lumberjacks vs. Carlos Cruz & SD Jones
Coconut Willie & Cowboy Lang vs. Billy the Kid & Little Tokyo
10/10/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
10/14/78 – featured Bruno Sammartino doing guest commentary for the show
10/10/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Luke Graham (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. Jim Ray at 4:49 with a splash after hitting him with a foreign object
WWWF Tag Team Champions the Yukon Lumberjacks (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Frank Williams & Davey O’Hannon at 7:18 when Eric vs. Williams with a shoulderbreaker
SD Jones vs. Tony Russo at 4:07 with a monkey flip out of the corner
Dino Bravo vs. Sabu with an airplane spin at 3:36
Ivan Koloff (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Charlie Brown with a kneedrop off the top at 2:42
WWWF World Champion Bob Backlund (w/ Arnold Skaaland) & Peter Maivia fought Spiros Arion & Victor Rivera (w/ Freddie Blassie) to a double disqualification at 9:42 when Maivia attacked Skaaland, who he had been arguing with for several minutes, threw him in the ring, ripped his shirt off and began choking him with it; Maivia then attacked Backlund as well as Arion & Rivera held him up until several other wrestlers came out to stop it; Backlund had wrestled the majority of the match himself after Maivia kept tagging out after only being in the ring 10-15 seconds at a time, which led to the arguments with Skaaland; as the show came to a close, Vince McMahon attempted to interview Backlund, with Backlund screaming “What happened?” and that he would “Kill than son of a bitch”
10/10/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
Tony Garea fought Luke Graham (w/ the Grand Wizard) to a 10-minute time-limit draw
Victor Rivera (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Steve King with a butterfly suplex at 4:53
Spiros Arion (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Tony Russo at 3:12 with a backbreaker over the knee
WWWF Tag Team Champions the Yukon Lumberjacks (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Joe Rodriguez & Juan Lopez at 6:16 when Pierre vs. Lopez with a clothesline
Crusher Blackwell (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. Johnny Ringo at 4:24 with a falling headbutt; after the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Freddie Blassie about the actions of Peter Maivia last week, explaining that Backlund had been using him as a tag team partner so that he wouldn’t have to defend his title against him
Larry Zbyszko, Dino Bravo, & SD Jones vs. Johnny Rodz, Stan Stasiak, & Ivan Koloff via disqualification at 5:36 when Stasiak and Koloff were double-teaming Jones
10/31/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
11/4/78 – featured Bruno Sammartino providing guest commentary:
Dino Bravo vs. Stan Stasiak
10/31/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
10/31/78; Philadelphia, PA; Arena
11/21/78; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
12/2/78 – Bruno Sammartino did guest commentary for the show:
Spiros Arion (w/ Freddie Blassie) fought Chief Jay Strongbow to a double disqualification at 7:14
Tony Garea & Larry Zbyszko vs. WWWF Tag Team Champions the Yukon Lumberjacks (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) to win the titles at 9:21 when Garea vs. Eric after the champions collided in the ring; after the match, Albano fired his team for losing the championship (Tag Team Champions)
Crusher Blackwell (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. Dave Darrow via submission with the spinning toe hold at 4:20
Ernie Ladd (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. Charlie Brown at 3:16
Ivan Putski vs. Mark Pole with the Polish Hammer at 2:09; after the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Garea & Zbyzsko in the arena regarding their title win
11/21/78; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
Andre the Giant vs. Johnny Rodz & Frank Rodriguez in a handicap match at 5:38 when Rodriguez submitted to a bearhug
Ivan Koloff vs. Frankie Williams via submission with the Boston Crab at 3:10
Ernie Ladd (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. SD Jones at 2:57 (taped in Hamburg)
Chief Jay Strongbow vs. Jose Estrada at 7:50
Peter Maivia (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Fred Marzino at 3:50
Ivan Putski vs. Mark Masters at 2:28; after the bout, Vince McMahon conducted a ringside interview with Putski
11/21/78; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
Greg Valentine (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. Steve King at 2:50 (Valentine’s debut)
Ivan Putski vs. the Great Sabu at 2:28
Jimmy & Johnny Valiant (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. SD Jones & Frankie Williams when Johnny vs. Williams at 3:30 (the Valiants’ return match)
Ivan Koloff vs. Tony Russo via submission with the Boston Crab at 1:17
WWWF Tag Team Champions Tony Garea & Larry Zbyszko vs. Johnny Rodz & Silvano Sousa in a non-title match when Zbyszko vs. Sousa at 5:24
11/21/78; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
12/23/78 – featured Florida TV Champion Dusty Rhodes vs. Ali Bey from Championship Wrestling from Florida:
Steve Travis vs. Frank Rodriguez at 4:51; prior to the bout, Joe Walcott was introduced to the crowd and shook hands with both participants (Travis’ debut)
Baron Mikel Scicluna vs. Fred Marzino at 2:45
Peter Maivia (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Pete Reeves at 2:01
Greg Valentine (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. Frankie Williams
12/12/78; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
Jimmy & Johnny Valiant vs. SD Jones & Pete Reeves
Steve Travis vs. Mark Pole
Peter Maivia vs. Jose Estrada
Ivan Putski vs. Moose Monroe
Chief Jay Strongbow, WWWF Tag Team Champions Tony Garea & Larry Zbyszko fought Ivan Koloff, Victor Rivera, & Spiros Arion