On this day in Pro Wrestling history on December 9, 2001, the World Wrestling Federation aired ‘WWF Vengeance 2001’ LIVE on PPV from the San Diego Sports Arena in San Diego, California.
“Y2J” Chris Jericho defeated The Rock & “Stone Cold” Steve Austin on this night to become the 1st ever Undisputed WWF Champion. Also on the show, The Undertaker defeated Rob Van Dam to win his 1st and only Hardcore Title.
Below are the PPV results:
– Scotty 2 Hotty & Albert defeated Christian & Test
– WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Edge (c) defeated William Regal
– Jeff Hardy defeated Matt Hardy
– WWF Tag Team Title Match: The Dudley Boyz (c) defeated Big Show & Kane
– WWF Hardcore Title Match: The Undertaker defeated Rob Van Dam (c)
– WWF Women’s Title Match: Trish Stratus (c) defeated Jacqueline
– WWF World Title Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin (C) defeated Kurt Angle
– WCW World Title Match: Chris Jericho defeated The Rock (c)
– Undisputed World Title Match: Chris Jericho (c) defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)
Jericho still wrestles in 2021. A few days back, he said the following about his in-ring retirement during an interview with Newsweek:
“I think a lot of times people always kind of want to put a bow on everything but it really doesn’t work that way. I think part of the reason I’ve had such longevity is that I go with the flow and I follow my heart. Did I ever expect to be 31 years on the job? I can’t say that I did, but I can’t say that I didn’t.
I don’t think when you’re 19, you really think about [retirement]. I never really said OK, ‘I’m going to do it this long,’ and I still don’t. I don’t know how long I’m going to do the sport because I don’t think that way.
When people ask ‘how long are you going to do this,’ I say ‘I don’t know. When I feel like I don’t want to do it anymore.’ I don’t feel that way right now.”
Regarding his longevity in the pro-wrestling business, Jericho said:
“I think one of the reasons why I’ve had such a long career, wrestling-wise, is the diversity and constant evolving and re-inventing that I do.
I can vividly remember, in about the year 2000, really thinking about how do I constantly stay relevant in what I’m doing? There’s a way to do that but you have to take chances and you have to be confident in your ability as a character and as a performer.”
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