• WWF Veteran Says He Turned Down An Incest Storyline
Attitude Era Veteran and IMPACT Wrestling Hall Of Famer, Ken Shamrock, recently spoke to Scheduled For Two Falls podcast, where he recalled denying an incest angle in the WWF.
Below is what he said:
“Here is this beautiful young lady who’s interested in me and just felt comfortable and next thing you know, we’re in a relationship and she’s my sister supposedly in this wrestling thing, and that was the actual next storyline that they wanted me to do was they wanted me to have this incest with my sister.
That’s why I was running around trying to save her and all these other things and I was like, ‘The World’s Most Dangerous Man, wants to have $ex with his own sister?’
And by the way, my son’s name is Ryan. My legitimate son’s name is Ryan and they made her Ryan and I’m like, people are gonna go, ‘Isn’t that his kid?’ Way too close to home, and I was like, ‘No. I’m not doing that.’”
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• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (November 28, 1993) – WWF All American Wrestling
On this day in 1993, the World Wrestling Federation aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF All American Wrestling’.
It featured pre-taped matches & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WWF Royal Rumble 1994’ PPV.
The card can be found right here:
Shawn Michaels vs. Dan Dubiel (Superstars 11/27/93)
Raymond Rougeau interviews Doink the Clown – Santa brings Dink (Challenge 11/28/93)
Doink vs. Sid Garrison (Superstars 11/27/93)
Clips of Randy Savage/Crush feud
Crush vs. Paul Jones (Superstars 11/27/93)
123 Kid vs. Iron Mike Sharpe (Challenge 11/28/93)
Lex Luger Promo
Adam Bomb vs. Mike Bucci (Superstars 11/27/93)