• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (June 19, 1993) – WWF Mania
On this day in 1993, the World Wrestling Federation aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF Mania’.
It featured pre-taped matches, interviews & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WWF SummerSlam 1993’ PPV.
The card can be found right here:
Jim Ross on USS Intrepid
Mania Exclusive: Headshrinkers vs. El Matador & Bob Backlund (Sydney 5/25/93)
Razor/Kid update
Marty Jannetty vs. Doink (Raw 6/14/93)
Lex Luger vs. Mike Davis (Challenge 6/13/93)
Mania Exclusive: Macho Man interviews Sensational Sherri (Manhattan)
Mr. Hughes/Undertaker incident (Superstars 6/12/93)
• WWF Veteran Tatanka Accused Of Trying To Take An Underage Girl Into His Room
An anonymous woman has come forward to accuse Old School WWF Veteran Tatanka of trying to take her sister in his hotel room years ago.
She said that her sister was just 13 years old at that time, and Tatanka tried to take advantage of the situation they were in, but both of them were fortunate enough to make it out safely.
Below is what she wrote:
“Ok it’s not a current wrestler and it happened years ago. My sister and I were teens (me, 15 and her,13) and we used to stay at a hotel (with mom) when wrestling would come to the next town over. We were walking to our room after a show, mom had gone ahead to order food.
We saw Tatanka! Having never met a wrestler in person, we said he and he started chatting with us. I noticed he was really staring at my sister. Reminder, she was 13. I just said “She’s underage” and he shrugged at me. I said “No, REALLY underage” and he shrugged again. I said we had to go, and the guy pulled the fire alarm! We panicked and just kind of stood there.
He said ‘The cops are going to come, that’s illegal’ and grabbed my sister’s arm. He said ‘We can hide in my room’. I was naive, but not that naive. I grabbed my sister and we ran. People were starting to come out of their rooms, luckily, and we got away. I always imagine that it wouldn’t have turned out that great for my sister had I not been there.”
Below is the list of wrestlers that have been accused of inappropriate activities by women in 2020:
– Velveteen Dream (WWE NXT)
– David Starr
– Ligero (WWE NXT UK)
– Jordan Devlin (WWE NXT UK / NXT Cruiserweight Champion)
– Travis Banks (WWE NXT UK)
– Joe Coffey (WWE NXT UK)
– Jimmy Havoc (AEW)
– Jim Cornette & his wife Stacy
– Matt Riddle (WWE SmackDown)
– Wolfgang (WWE NXT UK)
– Anonymous former WWE wrestler who’s currently signed to AEW and is married
– Jack Gallagher (WWE 205 Live)
– Tatanka
Also Read: Matt Riddle & His Wife Respond To Allegations Against Him
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