WWE – 1987/01/12 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 19
01. Randy Savage vs. Steve Gatorwolf
02. Tito Santana vs. Jimmy Jack Funk
03. Kamala vs. Jesse Cortez
04. Harley Race vs. Jerry Monti
05. Don Muraco & Cowboy Bob Orton vs. The Killer Bees
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/01/19 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 20
01. Blackjack Mulligan & Mike Rotundo & Danny Spivey vs. Steve Lombardi & Joe Mirto & Ray Miller
02. Butch Reed vs. Mario Mancini
03. Rick Martel & Tom Zenk vs. Terry Gibbs & The Gladiator
04. Honky Tonk Man vs. Tom Sharpe
05. Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake & Dino Bravo vs. Pedro Morales & Tito Santana & Hillbilly Jim
06. George “The Animal” Steele vs. Tony Nardo
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/01/26 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 21
01. Junkyard Dog vs. Al Navarro
02. Demolition vs. Jerry Allen & Sivi Afi
03. Kamala vs. Nick Foley
04. Killer Bees vs. Barry O. & David Vance
05. Jacques Rougeau vs. Don Muraco
06. Ricky Steamboat vs. Tiger Chung Lee
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/02/01 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 22
01. Hercules Hernandez vs. Don Driggers
02. Billy Jack Haynes vs. Jimmy Jack Funk
03. Adrian Adonis & Hart Foundation vs. Tony Garea & Paul Roma & Jim Parks
04. Jake Roberts vs. Gary Starr
05. Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff vs. The Islanders
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/02/08 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 23
01. Koko B. Ware vs. Jimmy Jack Funk
02. Jake Roberts vs. David Gold
03. Demolition vs. S.D. Jones & Don Driggers
04. Adrian Adonis vs. Mario Mancini
05. Rick Martel & Tom Zenk vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe & Steve Lombardi
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/02/15 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 24
01. Hillbilly Jim & Fabulous Rougeau Brothers vs. Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake & Johnny V.
02. Randy Savage vs. Jerry Allen
03. Harley Race vs. Moondog Spot
04. Billy Jack Haynes vs. Tiger Chung Lee
05. Killer Bees vs. The Gladiator & Red Demon
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/02/22 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 25
01. Ricky Steamboat vs. Chick Donovan
02. Junkyard Dog vs. Barry O
03. Don Muraco & Bob Orton Jr. vs. Salvatore Bellomo & David Stoudemire
04. Butch Reed vs. George “The Animal” Steele
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/03/01 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 26
01. The Hart Foundation vs. S.D. Jones & Lanny Poffo
02. Harley Race vs. Mario Mancini
03. Koko B. Ware vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe
04. Randy Savage vs. Jim Powers
05. Bruno Sammartino vs. Nikolai Volkoff
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/03/08 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 27
01. Rick Martel & Tom Zenk vs. Jimmy Jack Funk & The Gladiator
02. Adrian Adonis vs. Don Driggers
03. Tito Santana vs. Barry O
04. Kamala vs. Jerry Monti
05. Honky Tonk Man vs. Dave Stoudemire
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/03/15 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 28
01. Billy Jack Haynes vs. Moondog Spot
02. Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake & Dino Bravo vs. Salvatore Bellomo & Paul Roma & Mike Lucca
03. Junkyard Dog vs. Rick Renslow
04. Demolition vs. Sivi Afi & Tom Sharpe
05. Ricky Steamboat vs. Pete Doherty
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/03/22 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 29
01. The Hart Foundation vs. Paul Roma & Jim Powers
02. Koko B. Ware vs. Johnny K-9
03. King Kong Bundy vs. Mario Mancini
04. Rick Martel & Tom Zenk vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe & Terry Gibbs
05. Hercules Hernandez vs. Jim Young
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/03/29 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 30
01. Tito Santana vs. Greg Valentine
02. King Kong Bundy vs. Rick Hunter
03. Fabulous Rougeau Brothers vs. Dave Wagner & Rick Renslow
04. Adrian Adonis vs. Corporal Kirschner
05. Ricky Steamboat vs. Jimmy Jack Funk
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/04/05 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 31
01. The Islanders vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe & Al Navarro
02. Honky Tonk Man vs. Sivi Afi
03. Billy Jack Haynes vs. The Gladiator
04. Kamala vs. Sam Cody
05. Ron Bass vs. Joe Mirto
06. Greg Valentine vs. Jerry Allen
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/04/12 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 32
01. Tito Santana & British Bulldogs vs. Barry O. & The Gladiator & Jimmy Jack Funk
02. Butch Reed vs. Sivi Afi
03. Killer Bees vs. Dave Wagner & Rick Renslow
04. Harley Race vs. Jim Young
05. Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. The Iron Sheik
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/04/19 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 33
01. Koko B. Ware vs. Bill Howard
02. Greg Valentine & Dino Bravo vs. Paul Roma & Jim Powers
03. Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Terry Gibbs
04. Honky Tonk Man vs. Jerry Adams
05. Jake Roberts vs. Dusty Wolfe
06. Hercules Hernandez vs. Tommy Sharpe
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/04/26 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 34
01. Rick Martel & Tom Zenk vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe & Steve Lombardi
02. Billy Jack Haynes vs. Tiger Chung Lee
03. Hart Foundation vs. Joe Mirto & Nick Kiniski
04. The Islanders vs. Fabulous Rougeau Brothers
05. Sika Anoia & Kamala vs. S.D. Jones & Alex Knight
06. George “The Animal” Steele vs. Jesse Cortez
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/05/03 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 35
01. Ricky Steamboat vs. Terry Gibbs
02. Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff & Butch Reed vs. Lanny Poffo & Sivi Afi & Mario Mancini
03. Harley Race vs. Nelson Veilleux
04. British Bulldogs vs. Rick Gantner & Rocky Stone
05. Rick Martel & Tom Zenk vs. Sika Anoia & Kamala
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/05/10 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 36
01. Randy Savage vs. Nick Kiniski
02. Fabulous Rougeau Brothers vs. Demolition
03. Tito Santana & Paul Roma & Jim Powers vs. Don Muraco & Bob Orton Jr. & Tiger Chung Lee
04. Honky Tonk Man vs. George “The Animal” Steele
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/05/17 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 37
01. Ricky Steamboat vs. Butch Reed
02. Hart Foundation vs. Joe Mirto & Jack Miller
03. Koko B. Ware vs. Dave Wagner
04. Killer Bees vs. The Islanders
05. Billy Jack Haynes vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe
06. Killer Khan vs. Outback Jack
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/05/24 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 38
01. Brutus Beefcake vs. Dino Bravo
02. Ricky Steamboat vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe
03. Harley Race vs. Jerry Monti
04. Tito Santana & Hillbilly Jim & Billy Jack Haynes vs. Terry Gibbs & Dave Barbie & Carl Schmidt
05. Sika Anoia & Kamala vs. Lanny Poffo & Rick Hunter
06. Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Steve Lombardi
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/05/31 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 39
01. Koko B. Ware vs. Dusty Wolfe
02. One Man Gang vs. Mario Mancini
03. Ken Patera vs. Tim Patterson
04. Demolition vs. Jerry Monti & Billy Anderson
05. Killer Bees vs. Jimmy Jack Funk & The Raider
06. Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff & Butch Reed vs. S.D. Jones & Joe Mirto & Brad Rheingans
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/06/07 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 40
01. Honky Tonk Man vs. Jerry Allen
02. The Islanders vs. Rick Martel & Tom Zenk
03. Hercules Hernandez vs. Jerry Monti
04. George “The Animal” Steele vs. Rudy Ryder
05. Greg Valentine & Dino Bravo vs. Paul Roma & Jim Powers
06. Randy Savage vs. Billy Anderson
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/06/14 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 41
01. Kamala & Sika vs. Don Driggers & Mario Mancini
02. Brutus Beefcake vs. Dusty Wolfe
03. Killer Khan vs. Eric Cooper
04. JYD vs. Steve Lombardi
05. Billy Jack Haynes & Hillbilly Jim & SD Jones vs. Bob Orton & Iron Mike Sharpe & Magnificent Muraco
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/06/21 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 42
01. WWF IC Title: Honky Tonk Man vs. Paul Roma
02. Ken Patera vs. Rick Renslow
03. The Islanders vs. Lanny Poffo & Scott Casey
04. Koko B. Ware vs. Johnny K-9
05. One Man Gang vs. Brian Costello
06. Demolition vs. Jerry Allen & Jim Powers
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/06/28 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 43
01. Randy Savage vs. David Stoudimiere
02. Greg Valentine vs. Raymond Rougeau
03. The Can-Am Connection vs. Jimmy Jack Funk & Terry Gibbs
04. Hercules & King Harley Race & Paul Orndorff vs. Don Driggers & Dusty Wolfe & Rick Renslow
05. Ron Bass vs. Frankie Laine
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/07/05 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 44
01. Jake Roberts vs. Tony Leone
02. Honky Tonk Man vs. Jim Powers
03. Brutus Beefcake vs. Frank DeFalco
04. Demolition vs. Paul Roma & SD Jones
05. Killer Khan vs. Mike Richards
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/07/12 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 45
01. JYD vs. Brian Costello
02. The Islanders vs. Jerry Allen & Mario Mancini
03. Killer Bees vs. Bob Orton & Magnificent Muraco
04. One Man Gang vs. Jim Evans
05. Billy Jack Haynes & Hillbilly Jim & Tito Santana vs. Chris Curtis & Terry Gibbs & Tiger Chung Lee
06. WWF World Tag Titles: Hart Foundation vs. Corporal Kirchner & Omar Atlas
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/07/19 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 46
01. Kamala & Sika vs. Lanny Poffo & Sonny Rogers
02. Honky Tonk Man vs. Scott Casey
03. The Can-Am Connection vs. The Shadows
04. Dream Team vs. Jerry Allen & Mario Mancini
05. Jake Roberts vs. Dusty Wolfe
06. Randy Savage vs. Sivi Afi
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/07/26 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 47
01. Ken Patera vs. Al Navarro
02. Demolition vs. Scott Casey & Steve Douglas
03. George Steele vs. The Gladiator
04. Killer Khan vs. David Stoudimiere
05. Young Stallions vs. Barry Horowitz & Steve Lombardi
06. One Man Gang vs. Eric Cooper
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/08/02 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 48
01. Randy Savage vs. Brady Boone
02. Jake Roberts vs. Rick Renslow
03. Hart Foundation vs. SD Jones & Sivi Afi
04. Koko B. Ware vs. Terry Gibbs
05. Hercules vs. Jerry Allen
06. JYD & Killer Bees vs. Dave Wagner & Joe Mirto & Tiger Chung Lee
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/08/09 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 49
01. The Islanders vs. Omar Atlas & Rick Hunter
02. Hillbilly Jim & Tito Santana vs. Barry Horowitz & Joe Mirto
03. Honky Tonk Man vs. David Stoudimiere
04. Brutus Beefcake & Rougeau Brothers vs. Dusty Wolfe & Mike Sharpe & Mario Mancini
05. Rick Rude vs. Lanny Poffo
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/08/16 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 50
01. Superstar Billy Graham vs. Barry Horowitz
02. One Man Gang vs. Billy Bowman
03. Koko B. Ware vs. Brian Costello
04. Rick Rude vs. Sonny Rogers
05. Kamala & Sika vs. Lanny Poffo & Mark Richards
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/08/23 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 51
01. Chris Curtis vs. Mr. Washington
02. JYD vs. Rick Renslow
03. Dream Team vs. Jim Evans & Sivi Afi
04. Randy Savage vs. Scott Casey
05. Brutus Beefcake vs. Tom Stone
06. Demolition vs. Omar Atlas & Pete Sanchez
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/08/30 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 52
01. Jake Roberts vs. Steve Lombardi
02. Killer Khan vs. Jake Milliman
03. Butch Reed vs. Brady Boone
04. George Steele vs. Rick Gantner
05. Hercules & King Harley Race vs. Young Stallions
06. Koko B. Ware vs. Dave Wagner
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/09/06 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 53
01. Honky Tonk Man vs. Jerry Monti
02. Strike Force vs. Steve Lombardi & Terry Gibbs
03. One Man Gang vs. Billy Anderson
04. Paul Orndorff vs. Rex Farmer
05. Brutus Beefcake vs. Mike Starr
06. The Islanders vs. Jesse Cortez & Steve Gatorwolf
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/09/13 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 54
01. Superstar Billy Graham vs. Tim Patterson
02. Demolition vs. Pete Ketchum & Riki Ataki
03. Jake Roberts vs. Iron Mike Sharpe
04. Ted DiBiase vs. Lanny Poffo
05. Bret Hart & Danny Davis & Jim Neidhart vs. Carl Schmidt & Scott Casey & Sivi Afi
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/09/20 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 55
01. Killer Bees vs. The Shadows
02. Killer Khan vs. Darryl Nickles
03. Magnificent Muraco vs. Tiger Chung Lee
04. Hercules & King Harley Race & King Kong Bundy & Rick Rude vs. Brady Boone & Dusty Wolfe & Rudy Ryder & SD Jones
05. Butch Reed vs. Jerry Allen
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/09/27 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 56
01. Demolition vs. Outback Jack & SD Jones
02. Paul Orndorff vs. Brian Costello
03. One Man Gang vs. Van Horne
04. Ivan Putski & Superstar Billy Graham vs. Joe Mirto & Rocky Stone
05. Rick Rude vs. Sivi Afi
06. Sensational Sherri vs. Velvet McIntyre
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/10/04 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 57
01. Young Stallions vs. Dave Wagner & Rick Renslow
02. Hercules & King Harley Race & King Kong Bundy vs. Brady Boone & Chris Curtis & Scott Casey
03. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Shadow # 1
04. Ted DiBiase vs. Jerry Allen
05. Magnificent Muraco vs. Barry Horowitz
06. Jim Duggan & Rougeau Brothers vs. Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart & Danny Davis
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 1987/10/11 – WRESTLING CHALLENGE # 58
01. Strike Force vs. Mike Sharpe & Terry Gibbs
02. Butch Reed vs. Lanny Poffo
03. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Shadow # 2
04. The Islanders vs. Mario Mancini & Mike Richards
05. Killer Khan vs. Chris Zarna
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
January 11, 1987: Randy Savage vs. Steve Gatorwolf for the WWF Intercontinental Title…Tito Santana vs. Jimmy Jack Funk…Kamala vs. Jesse Cortez…Harley Race vs. Jerry Monti…Don Muraco and Bob Orton Jr. vs. The Killer Bees ..
January 18, 1987: Blackjack Mulligan, Mike Rotundo and Danny Spivey vs. Steve Lombardi, Joe Mirto and Ray Miller in a 6-Man Tag Team Match…Butch Reed vs. Mario Mancini…Rick Martel and Tom Zenk vs. Terry Gibbs and The Gladiator…The Honky Tonk Man vs. Tom Sharpe…Greg Valentine, Brutus Beefcake and Dino Bravo vs. Pedro Morales, Tito Santana and Hillbilly Jim in a 6-Man Tag Team Match…George “the Animal” Steele vs. Tony Nardo.
January 25, 1987: The Junkyard Dog vs. Al Navarro…Demolition vs. Jerry Allen and Sivi Afi…Kamala vs. Nick Foley…The Killer Bees vs. Barry O. and David Vance…Jacques Rougeau battled Don Muraco to a Double Count Out…Ricky Steamboat vs. Tiger Chung Lee.
February 1, 1987: Harley Race vs. Koko B. Ware…Hercules Hernandez vs. Don Driggers…Billy Jack Haynes vs. Jimmy Jack Funk…Adrian Adonis and The Hart Foundation vs. Tony Garea, Paul Roma and Jim Parks in a 6-Man Tag Team Match…Jake Roberts vs. Gary Starr…The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff vs. The Islanders.
February 8, 1987: Koko B. Ware vs. Jimmy Jack Funk…Jake Roberts vs. David Gold…Demolition vs. S.D. Jones and Don Driggers…Adrian Adonis vs. Mario Mancini…Rick Martel and Tom Zenk vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe and Steve Lombardi.
February 15, 1987: Hillbilly Jim and The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers vs. Greg Valentine, Brutus Beefcake and Johnny V. in a 6-Man Tag Team Match…Randy Savage vs. Jerry Allen for the WWF Intercontinental Title…Harley Race vs. Moondog Spot…Billy Jack Haynes vs. Tiger Chung Lee…The Killer Bees vs. The Gladiator and The Red Demon.
February 22, 1987: Ricky Steamboat vs. Chick Donovan…The Junkyard Dog vs. Barry O….Don Muraco and Bob Orton Jr. vs. Salvatore Bellomo and David Stoudemire…Butch Reed vs. George “the Animal” Steele by Count Out.
March 1, 1987: The Hart Foundation vs. S.D. Jones and Lanny Poffo for the WWF Tag Team Title…Harley Race vs. Mario Mancini…Koko B. Ware vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe…Randy Savage vs. Jim Powers for the WWF Intercontinental Title…Bruno Sammartino vs. Nikolai Volkoff ..
March 8, 1987: Rick Martel and Tom Zenk vs. Jimmy Jack Funk and The Gladiator…Adrian Adonis vs. Don Driggers…Tito Santana vs. Barry O….Kamala vs. Jerry Monti…The Honky Tonk Man vs. Dave Stoudemire.
March 15, 1987: Billy Jack Haynes vs. Moondog Spot…Greg Valentine, Brutus Beefcake and Dino Bravo vs. Salvatore Bellomo, Paul Roma and Mike Lucca in a 6-Man Tag Team Match…The Junkyard Dog vs. Rick Renslow…Demolition vs. Sivi Afi and Tom Sharpe…Ricky Steamboat vs. Pete Doherty.
March 22, 1987: The Hart Foundation vs. Paul Roma and Jim Powers…Koko B. Ware vs. Johnny K-9…King Kong Bundy vs. Mario Mancini…Rick Martel and Tom Zenk vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe and Terry Gibbs…Hercules Hernandez vs. Jim Young.
March 29, 1987: Tito Santana battled Greg Valentine to a Double Disqualification…King Kong Bundy vs. Rick Hunter…The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers vs. Dave Wagner and Rick Renslow…Adrian Adonis vs. Corporal Kirschner…Ricky Steamboat vs. Jimmy Jack Funk.
April 5, 1987: The Islanders vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe and Al Navarro…The Honky Tonk Man vs. Sivi Afi…Billy Jack Haynes vs. The Gladiator…Kamala vs. Sam Cody…Ron Bass vs. Joe Mirto…Greg Valentine vs. Jerry Allen.
April 12, 1987: Tito Santana and The British Bulldogs vs. Barry O. The Gladiator and Jimmy Jack Funk in a 6-Man Tag Team Match…Butch Reed vs. Sivi Afi…The Killer Bees vs. Dave Wagner and Rick Renslow…Harley Race vs. Jim Young…Jim Duggan vs. The Iron Sheik ..
April 19, 1987: Koko B. Ware vs. Bill Howard…Greg Valentine and Dino Bravo vs. Paul Roma and Jim Powers…Jim Duggan vs. Terry Gibbs…The Honky Tonk Man vs. Jerry Adams…Jake Roberts vs. Dusty Wolfe…Hercules Hernandez vs. Tommy Sharpe.
April 26, 1987: Rick Martel and Tom Zenk vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe and Steve Lombardi…Billy Jack Haynes vs. Tiger Chung Lee…The Hart Foundation vs. Joe Mirto and Nick Kiniski for the WWF Tag Team Title…The Islanders battled The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers to a Double Count Out…Sika Anoia and Kamala vs. S.D. Jones and Alex Knight…George “the Animal” Steele vs. Jesse Cortez.
May 3, 1987: Ricky Steamboat vs. Terry Gibbs…The Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff and Butch Reed vs. Lanny Poffo, Sivi Afi and Mario Mancini in a 6-Man Tag Team Match…Harley Race vs. Nelson Veilleux…The British Bulldogs vs. Rick Gantner and Rocky Stone…Rick Martel and Tom Zenk vs. Sika Anoia and Kamala.
May 10, 1987: Randy Savage vs. Nick Kiniski…The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers battled Demolition to a Double Count Out…Tito Santana, Paul Roma and Jim Powers vs. Don Muraco, Bob Orton Jr. and Tiger Chung Lee in a 6-Man Tag Team Match…The Honky Tonk Man vs. George “the Animal” Steele ..
May 17, 1987: Ricky Steamboat vs. Butch Reed by Count Out…The Hart Foundation vs. Joe Mirto and Jack Miller…Koko B. Ware vs. Dave Wagner…The Killer Bees vs. The Islanders ….Billy Jack Haynes vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe…Killer Khan vs. Outback Jack.
May 24, 1987: Brutus Beefcake vs. Dino Bravo ….Ricky Steamboat vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe…Harley Race vs. Jerry Monti…Tito Santana, Hillbilly Jim and Billy Jack Haynes vs. Terry Gibbs, Dave Barbie and Carl Schmidt in a 6-Man Tag Team Match…Sika Anoia and Kamala vs. Lanny Poffo and Rick Hunter…Jim Duggan vs. Steve Lombardi.
May 31, 1987: Koko B. Ware vs. Dusty Wolfe…The One Man Gang vs. Mario Mancini…Ken Patera vs. Tim Patterson…Demolition vs. Jerry Monti and Billy Anderson…The Killer Bees vs. Jimmy Jack Funk and The Raider…The Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff and Butch Reed vs. S.D. Jones, Joe Mirto and Brad Rheingans in a 6-Man Tag Team Match.
June 7, 1987: The Honky Tonk Man vs. Jerry Allen…Hercules Hernandez vs. Jerry Monti…George “the Animal” Steele vs. Buddy Ryder…Greg Valentine and Dino Bravo vs. Paul Roma and Jim Powers…Randy Savage vs. Billy Anderson.
June 14, 1987: Sika Anoia and Kamala vs. Mario Mancini and Don Driggers…Brutus Beefcake vs. Dusty Wolfe…Killer Khan vs. Eric Cooper…The Junkyard Dog vs. Steve Lombardi…Hillbilly Jim, S.D. Jones and Billy Jack Haynes vs. Don Muraco, Bob Orton Jr. and “Iron” Mike Sharpe in a 6-Man Tag Team Match.
June 21, 1987: The Honky Tonk Man vs. Paul Roma…Ken Patera vs. Rick Renslow…The Islanders vs. Lanny Poffo and Scott Casey…Koko B. Ware vs. Johnny K-9…The One Man Gang vs. Brian Costello…Demolition vs. Jim Powers and Jerry Allen.
June 28, 1987: Randy Savage vs. David Stoudemire…Raymond Rougeau battled Greg Valentine to a Double Disqualification…Rick Martel and Tom Zenk vs. Terry Gibbs and Jimmy Jack Funk…Harley Race, Paul Orndorff and Hercules Hernandez vs. Dusty Wolfe, Don Driggers and Rick Renslow in a 6-Man Tag Team Match…Ron Bass vs. Frankie Laine.
July 5, 1987: Jake Roberts vs. Tony Leone…The Honky Tonk Man vs. Jim Powers…Brutus Beefcake vs. Frankie DeFalco…Demolition vs. S.D. Jones and Paul Roma…Killer Khan vs. Mike Richards.
July 12, 1987: The Junkyard Dog vs. Brian Costello…The Islanders vs. Jerry Allen and Mario Mancini…The Killer Bees vs. Don Muraco and Bob Orton Jr….The One Man Gang vs. Jim Evans…Tito Santana, Hillbilly Jim and Billy Jack Haynes vs. Tiger Chung Lee, Terry Gibbs and Chris Curtis in a 6-Man Tag Team Match…The Hart Foundation vs. Corporal Kirschner and Omar Atlas for the WWF Tag Team Title.
July 19, 1987: Sika Anoia and Kamala vs. Lanny Poffo and Sonny Rogers…The Honky Tonk Man vs. Scott Casey…Rick Martel and Tom Zenk vs. The Shadows…Greg Valentine and Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Allen and Mario Mancini…Jake Roberts vs. Dusty Wolfe…Randy Savage vs. Sivi Afi.
July 26, 1987: Ken Patera vs. Al Navarro…Demolition vs. Scott Casey and Steve Douglas…George “the Animal” Steele vs. The Gladiator…Killer Khan vs. David Stoudemire…Paul Roma and Jim Powers vs. Steve Lombardi and Barry Horowitz…The One Man Gang vs. Eric Cooper.
August 2, 1987: Randy Savage vs. Brady Boone…Jake Roberts vs. Rick Renslow…The Hart Foundation vs. S.D. Jones and Sivi Afi…Koko B. Ware vs. Terry Gibbs…Hercules Hernandez vs. Jerry Allen…The Junkyard Dog and The Killer Bees vs. Tiger Chung Lee, Joe Mirto and Dave Labner in a 6-Man Tag Team Match.
August 9, 1987: The Islanders vs. Rick Hunter and Omar Atlas…Tito Santana and Hillbilly Jim vs. Joe Mirto and Barry Horowitz…The Honky Tonk Man vs. David Stoudemire for the WWF Intercontinental Title…Brutus Beefcake and The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe, Mario Mancini and Dusty Wolfe in a 6-Man Tag Team Match…”Ravishing” Rick Rude vs. Lanny Poffo.
August 16, 1987: “Superstar” Billy Graham vs. Barry Horowitz…The One Man Gang vs. Billy Beauman…Koko B. Ware vs. Brian Costello…”Ravishing” Rick Rude vs. Sonny Rogers…Sika Anoia and Kamala vs. Lanny Poffo and Mike Richards.
August 23, 1987: Chris Curtis vs. Mr. Washington…The Junkyard Dog vs. Rick Renslow…Greg Valentine and Dino Bravo vs. Sivi Afi and Jim Evans…Randy Savage vs. Scott Casey…Brutus Beefcake vs. Tom Stone…Demolition vs. Pete Sanchez and Omar Atlas.
August 30, 1987: Jake Roberts vs. Steve Lombardi…Killer Khan vs. Jack Milliman…Butch Reed vs. Brady Boone…George “the Animal” Steele vs. Rick Gantner….Harley Race and Hercules Hernandez vs. Paul Roma and Jim Powers…Koko B. Ware vs. Dave Wagner.
September 6, 1987: The Honky Tonk Man vs. Jerry Monti…Strike Force vs. Steve Lombardi and Terry Gibbs…The One Man Gang vs. Billy Anderson…Paul Orndorff vs. Rex Farmer…Brutus Beefcake vs. Mike Starr…The Islanders vs. Steve Gatorwolf and Jesse Cortez.
September 13, 1987: “Superstar” Billy Graham vs. Tim Patterson…Demolition vs. Ricky Ataki and Pete Ketchum…Jake Roberts vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe…Ted DiBiase vs. Lanny Poffo…The Hart Foundation and Danny Davis vs. Sivi Afi, Scott Casey and Carl Schmidt in a 6-Man Tag Team Match.
September 20, 1987: The Killer Bees vs. The Shadows…Killer Khan vs. Darrell Nickel…Don Muraco vs. Tiger Chung Lee…Harley Race, “Ravishing” Rick Rude, Hercules Hernandez and King Kong Bundy vs. S.D. Jones, Dusty Wolfe, Brady Boone and Rudy Ryder in an 8-Man Tag Team Match…Butch Reed vs. Jerry Allen.
September 27, 1987: Demolition vs. S.D. Jones and Outback Jack…Paul Orndorff vs. Brian Costello…The One Man Gang vs. Van Van Horne…”Superstar” Billy Graham and Ivan Putski vs. Joe Mirto and Rocky Stone…”Ravishing” Rick Rude vs. Sivi Afi…”Sensational” Sherri vs. Velvet McIntyre.
October 4, 1987: Paul Roma and Jim Powers vs. Dave Wagner and Rick Renslow…Harley Race, King Kong Bundy and Hercules Hernandez vs. Scott Casey, Brady Boone and Chris Curtis in a 6-Man Tag Team Match…Bam Bam Bigelow vs. The Shadow #1…Ted DiBiase vs. Jerry Allen…Don Muraco vs. Barry Horowitz…Jim Duggan and The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers vs. Danny Davis and The Hart Foundation . in a 6-Man Tag Team Match.
October 11, 1987: Strike Force vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe and Terry Gibbs…Butch Reed vs. Lanny Poffo…Bam Bam Bigelow vs. The Shadow #2…The Islanders vs. Mario Mancini and Mike Richards…Killer Khan vs. Chris Zarna.
October 18, 1987: The British Bulldogs vs. Brian Costello and Chris Oliver…The One Man Gang vs. Rick Gantner…Jim Duggan vs. Barry Horowitz…”Ravishing” Rick Rude and Hercules Hernandez vs. Scott Casey and Jim Evans.
October 25, 1987: Randy Savage vs. Van Van Horne…Ted DiBiase vs. Tony Parks…Strike Force vs. Steve Lombardi and Tom Stone…The Ultimate Warrior vs. Terry Gibbs…Demolition vs. Sonny Rogers and Chris Zarna.
November 1, 1987: Brutus Beefcake vs. The Honky Tonk Man…The Bolsheviks vs. S.D. Jones and Lanny Poffo…Sam Houston vs. Rick Renslow…Killer Khan vs. Chris Curtis…Koko B. Ware and The Killer Bees vs. Greg Valentine, Dino Bravo and Johnny V. in a 6-Man Tag Team Match.
November 8, 1987: Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Terry Gibbs…The Ultimate Warrior vs. Barry Horowitz…The British Bulldogs vs. Greg Valentine and Dino Bravo ….The Islanders vs. S.D. Jones and Jerry Allen…Butch Reed vs. Omar Atlas.
November 15, 1987: Jake Roberts vs. Nikolai Volkoff…”Ravishing” Rick Rude vs. Brady Boone…Billy Jack Haynes and Ken Patera vs. Gino Carabello and Dave Wagner…Jim Duggan vs. Dusty Wolfe…Randy Savage vs. Rip Oliver.
November 22, 1987: Strike Force vs. Barry Horowitz and Terry Gibbs…The One Man Gang vs. Carmine Surace…Demolition vs. Omar Atlas and Pete Lusik…Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jose Estrada…The Bolsheviks vs. Lanny Poffo and Van Van Horne…Brutus Beefcake vs. Danny Davis.
November 29, 1987: The British Bulldogs vs. The Conquistadors…Ted DiBiase vs. Sonny Rogers…Jim Duggan vs. Barry Horowitz…Killer Khan vs. Mike Richards…The Ultimate Warrior vs. Brian Costello…Billy Jack Haynes and Ken Patera vs. Dave Wagner and Rick Renslow.
December 6, 1987: “Ravishing” Rick Rude vs. Omar Atlas…Jake Roberts vs. Barry Horowitz…Harley Race vs. Jerry Allen…Don Muraco vs. Pete Sanchez…The Hart Foundation vs. Scott Casey and Sivi Afi.
December 13, 1987: Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Brian Costello…The Bolsheviks vs. Brady Boone and Jim Evans…Danny Davis vs. Sam Houston by Count Out…Strike Force vs. Steve Lombardi and Dusty Wolfe…Dino Bravo vs. Lanny Poffo…The Junkyard Dog and Koko B. Ware vs. Terry Gibbs and Barry Horowitz.
December 20, 1987: Paul Roma and Jim Powers vs. Dave Wagner and Rick Renslow…”Ravishing” Rick Rude vs. Outback Jack…Brutus Beefcake vs. Barry Horowitz ….The One Man Gang and Butch Reed vs. Lanny Poffo and Barry Horowitz…The Bolsheviks vs. Mike Richards and Mr. Harte…The Ultimate Warrior vs. Rex King…The Honky Tonk Man vs. Scott Casey.
December 27, 1987: Strike Force vs. Terry Gibbs and Rick Gantner for the WWF Tag Team Title…Ted DiBiase vs. Sivi Afi…Jake Roberts vs. Steve Lombardi…Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Allen…Don Muraco vs. Frank DaFalco…Randy Savage vs. Jerry Gray
1/4/87 – This episode was a 1986 Year-In-Review Special
Taped 12/10/86; Tucson, AZ; Community Center
1/11/87 – included Slick & and Butch Reed as guests of the Snake Pit:
WWF IC Champion Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Steve Gatorwolf with the flying elbowsmash at 2:16
Tito Santana vs. Jimmy Jack Funk with the flying forearm at 4:19
Kamala (w/ the Wizard & Kimchee) vs. Jesse Cortez with a splash off the top at the 1-minute mark
King Harley Race (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Jerry Monti with the cradle suplex at 1:58
Don Muraco (w/ Mr. Fuji) & Bob Orton Jr. vs. B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell via disqualification at 5:39 when referee Danny Davis stopped the match after the Bees put their masks on
Taped 1/6/87; Hershey, PA; Hersheypark Arena
1/18/87 – included a pre-emption of the Snake Pit, with the same Piper’s Pit from the 1/17 Superstars airing instead:
Dan Spivey, Mike Rotundo, & Blackjack Mulligan vs. Ray Miller, Joe Mirto, & Steve Lombardi when Mulligan vs. Miller after a running elbow at 3:41
Butch Reed (w/ Slick) vs. Mario Mancini with a gorilla press slam & elbow drop at the 57-second mark; prior to the match, Andre the Giant was introduced to the crowd and came into the ring to shake Mancini and the ring announcer’s hand but Slick & Reed refused to shake his hand
Rick Martel & Tom Zenk vs. Terry Gibbs & the Gladiator when Martel pined the Gladiator with a slingshot splash at 3:26
The Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Tom Sharpe with the Shake, Rattle, & Roll at the 47-second mark; after the bout, Honky hit the Shake, Rattle, & Roll again on Sharpe, and while Sharpe was been helped to the back Honky did the move again, this time on the floor
Greg Valentine, Brutus Beefcake, & Dino Bravo (w/ Johnny V) vs. Tito Santana, Pedro Morales, & Hillbilly Jim via count-out at 4:35 when the faces walked out of the match after referee Danny Davis had twice stopped making a 3-count when it seemed the Hillbilly, Santana, & Morales were going to win
George Steele vs. Tony Nardo via submission with the flying hammerlock at 1:17
Taped 1/6/87; Hershey, PA; Hersheypark Arena
1/25/87 – included a pre-emption of the Snake Pit, with the same Piper’s Pit from the 1/24 Superstars airing instead:
The Junkyard Dog vs. Al Navarro with the powerslam at 2:01
Demolition (w/ Johnny V) vs. Jerry Allen & Sivi Afi when Ax vs. Allen following the Decapitation at 2:47
Kamala (w/ the Wizard & Kimchee) vs. Nick Foley with a splash at the 27-second mark; after the bout, Foley was taken from ringside after sustaining a top rope splash from Kamala
B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. Barry O & David Vance when Blair vs. Vance with the Bee Sting at 3:23
Jacques Rougeau (w/ Raymond Rougeau) fought Don Muraco (w/ Bob Orton Jr. & Mr. Fuji) to a double count-out at 3:07 when the Rougeaus, Orton, & Muraco began fighting on the floor; after the bout, Raymond slammed Fuji on the floor
Ricky Steamboat vs. Tiger Chung Lee with the flying bodypress at 3:16
Taped 1/6/87; Hershey, PA; Hersheypark Arena
2/1/87 – included a pre-emption of the Snake Pit, with the same Piper’s Pit from the 1/31 Superstars airing instead:
King Harley Race (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Koko B. Ware after Heenan pushed Koko off the top; after the bout, the Junkyard Dog made the save and hiptossed referee Danny Davis
Hercules (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Don Driggers via submission with the full nelson at the 48-second mark; after the bout, Hercules and Billy Jack Haynes almost had a confrontation as Haynes made his way to the ring for his match
Billy Jack Haynes vs. Jimmy Jack Funk via submission with the full nelson; during the bout, Hercules and Bobby Heenan watched the match from ringside; after the bout, a staredown took place involving Haynes and Hercules
Adrian Adonis, Bret Hart, & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Paul Roma, Tony Garea, & Jim Parks at 2:03 when Parks submitted to Adonis’ sleeper
Jake Roberts vs. Gary Starr with the DDT at the 28-second mark
Nikolai Volkoff & the Iron Sheik (w/ Slick) vs. the Islanders when Sheik vs. Tama at 2:14 after Slick interfered and hit Tama with his cane as the referee tried to get Haku and Volkoff out of the ring
Taped 1/27/87; Ft. Myers, FL; Lee Civic Center
2/8/87 – included a pre-emption of the Snake Pit, with the same Piper’s Pit from the 2/7 Superstars airing instead; included the British Bulldogs / Hart Foundation title match from Superstars shown in full:
Koko B. Ware vs. Jimmy Jack Funk with the Ghostbuster at 2:56
Jake Roberts vs. David Gold with the DDT at 1:11
Demolition (w/ Johnny V) vs. SD Jones & Don Driggers when Ax vs. Driggers with a clothesline after a slingshot from Smash at 1:58
Adrian Adonis (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Mario Mancini via submission with the sleeper at 1:13
Rick Martel & Tom Zenk vs. Steve Lombardi & Iron Mike Sharpe when Martel pined Lombardi with a slingshot splash at 4:21
Taped 1/27/87; Ft. Myers, FL; Lee Civic Center
2/15/87 – included a pre-emption of the Snake Pit, with the same Piper’s Pit from the 2/14 Superstars airing instead:
Hillbilly Jim, Jacques & Raymond Rougeau vs. Greg Valentine, Brutus Beefcake, & Johnny V (w/ Dino Bravo) when Jacques vs. Johnny V with a small package at 2:43; after the bout, Hillbilly & the Rougeaus were cleared out of the ring but returned to chase the heels off
WWF IC Champion Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Jerry Allen with the flying elbowsmash at the 29-second mark
King Harley Race (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Moondog Spot with the cradle suplex at the 36-second mark
Billy Jack Haynes vs. Tiger Chung Lee via submission with the Full Nelson at 2:53
B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. the Gladiator & the Red Demon when Blair vs. Gladiator with the Bee Sing at 3:12
Taped 1/27/87; Ft. Myers, FL; Lee Civic Center
2/22/87 – featured the Snake Pit segment with the Honkytonk Man in which Honky hit Jake Roberts over the back with his guitar:
Ricky Steamboat vs. Chic Donovan with the flying bodypress at 4:53
The Junkyard Dog vs. Barry O with the powerslam at 1:33
Don Muraco & Bob Orton Jr. (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Salvatore Bellomo & David Stoudemire when Orton vs. Stoudimiere following the superplex at 2:04; Freddie Blassie did guest commentary for this and the following bout
Butch Reed (w/ Slick) vs. George Steele via count-out at 1:33 when Steele chased Slick backstage; after the bout, Steele returned ringside with Koko B. Ware and the two attacked Reed with Koko hitting a missile dropkick off the top
Taped 2/17/87; Springfield, MA; Civic Center
3/1/87 – included Bobby Heenan and Hercules on the Snake Pit; the scheduled contest between Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff did not take place:
WWF Tag Team Champions Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart & Danny Davis) vs. SD Jones & Lanny Poffo when Bret vs. Jones following the Hart Attack at 2:35; after the bout, Davis attacked Jones
King Harley Race (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Mario Mancini with the cradle suplex at 1:25
Koko B. Ware vs. Iron Mike Sharpe with the Ghostbuster at 1:59
WWF IC Champion Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Jim Powers with the flying elbowsmash at 1:41
Bruno Sammartino vs. Nikolai Volkoff (w/ Slick & the Iron Sheik) via disqualification at 2:37 when Sheik interfered; after the bout, B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell made the save
Taped 2/17/87; Springfield, MA; Civic Center
3/8/87 – included Hillbilly Jim, the Haiti Kid, and Little Beaver on the Snake Pit:
Rick Martel & Tom Zenk vs. Jimmy Jack Funk & the Gladiator when Zenk vs. Gladiator with a slingshot splash at 5:03
Adrian Adonis (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Don Driggers via submission with the sleeper at 2:20
Tito Santana vs. Barry O with the flying forearm at 4:40; during the bout Slick came ringside and attacked Santana with his cane
Kamala (w/ the Wizard & Kimchee) vs. Jerry Monti with a splash off the top at 1:03
The Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Dave Stoudemire with the Shake, Rattle, & Roll at 2:46
Taped 2/17/87; Springfield, MA; Civic Center
3/15/87 – included Bobby Heenan & Andre the Giant as guests of the Snake Pit:
Billy Jack Haynes vs. Moondog Spot via submission with the full nelson
Greg Valentine, Brutus Beefcake, & Dino Bravo (w/ Johnny V) vs. Paul Roma, Salvatore Bellomo, & Mike Luca when Bravo vs. Luca with the side suplex
The Junkyard Dog vs. Rick Renslow with the powerslam
Demolition (w/ Johnny V) vs. Tommy Sharp & Sivi Afi following the Decapitation on Sharp
Ricky Steamboat vs. Pete Doherty with a karate chop off the top
Taped 3/11/87; Columbus, OH; Ohio Center
3/22/87 – included WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan as a guest of the Snake Pit:
WWF Tag Team Champions Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart & Danny Davis) vs. Paul Roma & Jim Powers in a non-title match when Bret vs. Powers with the Hart Attack; after the bout, the champions and Davis continued to attack their opposition
Koko B. Ware vs. Johnny K-9 with the Ghost Buster
King Kong Bundy (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Mario Mancini with a splash; after the bout, Mancini was taken out on a stretcher
Rick Martel & Tom Zenk vs. Terry Gibbs & Iron Mike Sharpe when Martel vs. Gibbs with a slingshot splash into the ring
Hercules (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Jim Young via submission with the full nelson
Taped 3/11/87; Columbus, OH; Ohio Center
3/29/87 – included Jake Roberts as his own guest of the Snake Pit:
Tito Santana (w/ Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid) fought Greg Valentine (w/ Johnny V, Brutus Beefcake, & Dino Bravo) to a double disqualification when all the participants began brawling at ringside; replays of the brawl showed that Brutus Beefcake had little to do with the incident – showing dissention in the Dream Team
King Harley Race (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Rick Hunter with a cradle suplex; after the bout, Race further beat down on Hunter when he failed to bow properly
Jacques & Raymond Rougeau vs. Dave Wagner & Rick Renslow
Adrian Adonis (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Cpl. Kirchner with a splash off the top
Ricky Steamboat vs. Jimmy Jack Funk with a karate chop off the top; after the bout, George Steele celebrated the win alongside Steamboat and several children
Taped 3/11/87; Columbus, OH; Ohio Center
4/5/87 – included Blackjack Mulligan as a guest of the Snake Pit:
The Islanders vs. Al Navarro & Iron Mike Sharpe when Tama vs. Navarro with a splash off the top
The Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Sivi Afi with the Shake, Rattle, & Roll
Billy Jack Haynes vs. the Gladiator via submission with the full nelson
Kamala (w/ Mr. Fuji & Kimchee) vs. Sam Cody with a splash off the top; after the bout, Cody was taken out on a stretcher (Fuji’s first match managing Kamala after being given his contract by the Grand Wizard)
Ron Bass vs. Joe Mirto with an elbow drop
Greg Valentine (w/ Johnny V & Dino Bravo) vs. Jerry Allen via submission with the figure-4
Taped 3/22/87; Phoenix, AZ; Veterans Memorial Coliseum
4/12/87 – included Ron Bass as a guest of the Snake Pit:
Tito Santana, Davey Boy Smith, & the Dynamite Kid vs. the Gladiator, Jimmy Jack Funk, & Barry O when Santana vs. the Gladiator with the flying forearm at 3:58
Butch Reed vs. Sivi Afi with the press slam
The Killer Bees vs. Rick Renslow & Dave Wagner following a dropkick by Jim Brunzell
King Harley Race vs. Jim Young with a cradle suplex
Taped 3/22/87; Phoenix, AZ; Veterans Memorial Coliseum
Koko B. Ware vs. Bill Howard with the Ghostbuster
Greg Valentine & Dino Bravo vs. Jim Powers & Paul Roma when Powers submitted to Valentine’s figure-4
Jim Duggan vs. Terry Gibbs with the running clothesline
The Honkytonk Man vs. Jerry Allen with the Shake, Rattle, & Roll neckbreaker
Jake Roberts vs. Dusty Wolfe with the DDT
Hercules vs. Tommy Sharpe via submission with the full nelson
Taped 3/22/87; Phoenix, AZ; Veterans Memorial Coliseum
4/26/87 – included Jim Duggan as a guest of the Snake Pit:
Tom Zenk & Rick Martel vs. Steve Lombardi & Iron Mike Sharpe when Martel vs. Lombardi following a slingshot splash at 3:11
Billy Jack Haynes vs. Tiger Chung Lee via submission with the full nelson at 1:56
WWF Tag Team Champions Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs. Nick Kiniski & Joe Mirto following the Hart Attack
The Islanders fought Jacques & Raymond Rougeau to a double count-out
Kamala & Sika vs. Alex Knight & SD Jones when Kamala vs. Knight with a splash
George Steele vs. Jesse Cortez via submission with the flying hammerlock
Taped 4/24/87; New Haven, CT; Coliseum
5/3/87 – George Steele did guest commentary for the program (sub. for Bobby Heenan); included Tito Santana, Danny Davis, and Koko B. Ware as guests of the Snake Pit:
WWF IC Champion Ricky Steamboat vs. Terry Gibbs in a non-title match with a karate chop off the top
Nikolai Volkoff, the Iron Sheik, & Butch Reed (w/ Slick) vs. Lanny Poffo, Sivi Afi, & Mario Mancini when the Sheik applied the Camel Clutch on Mancini; before the match, Volkoff attempted to sing the Russian National Anthem but Jim Duggan came ringside and cut the microphone chord with a pair of pliers
King Harley Race (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Nelson Veilleux with the cradle suplex
Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid vs. Rick Gantner & Rocky Stone when Davey Boy Smith vs. Gantner with the running powerslam
Rick Martel & Tom Zenk vs. Kamala & Sika (w/ Mr. Fuji & Kimchee) when Martel vs. Sika with a splash off the top; after the bout, Martel saved Zenk from a beating by chasing the opposition away with Fuji’s cane
Ron Bass vs. Rick Hunter
Taped 4/24/87; New Haven, CT; Coliseum
5/10/87 – Ron Bass did guest commentary for the program (sub for Bobby Heenan); included Mr. Fuji and Killer Khan as guests of the Snake Pit:
Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Nick Kiniski with the elbowsmash off the top
Jacques & Raymond Rougeau fought Demolition (w/ Mr. Fuji) to a double count-out
Tito Santana, Paul Roma, & Jim Powers vs. Bob Orton Jr., Don Muraco, & Tiger Chung Lee when Santana vs. Lee with the flying forearm after Muraco and Orton walked out of the match
The Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. George Steele via disqualification at the 23-second mark after Steele attempted to hit Honky with his own guitar but Honky moved out of the way and Steele ended up destroying the guitar on the ring steps
Taped 4/24/87; New Haven, CT; Coliseum
5/17/87 – included Johnny V, Greg Valentine, and Dino Bravo as guests of the Snake Pit:
WWF IC Champion Ricky Steamboat vs. Butch Reed (w/ Slick) via count-out in a non-title match at 6:08 when the champion was able to reenter the ring after both men fell to the floor
WWF Tag Team Champions Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Joe Mirto & Jack Miller in a non-title match when Bret vs. Miller with the Hart Attack
Koko B. Ware vs. Dave Wagner with the Ghostbuster
B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. the Islanders via disqualification when Haku shoved the referee
Billy Jack Haynes vs. Iron Mike Sharpe via submission with the full nelson
Killer Khan (w/ Mr. Fuji) fought Outback Jack to a no contest when Khan attacked Jack before the bell and choked him out with Fuji’s cane
Taped 5/13/87; San Diego, CA; Sports Arena
Brutus Beefcake vs. Dino Bravo (w/ Johnny V) via disqualification at 3:50 when Greg Valentine interfered as Bravo was caught in the sleeper; after the bout, Jacques & Raymond Rougeau made the save for Beefcake and cleared the ring after he was locked in Valentine’s figure-4 (Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake)
WWF IC Champion Ricky Steamboat vs. Iron Mike Sharpe in a non-title match with a karate chop off the top
King Harley Race (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Jerry Monti with a cradle suplex
Hillbilly Jim, Tito Santana, & Billy Jack Haynes vs. Carl Schmidt, Terry Gibbs, & Dave Barbie when Schmidt submitted to Haynes’ full nelson at 2:52
Kamala & Sika (w/ Mr. Fuji & Kimchee) vs. Lanny Poffo & Rick Hunter when Kamala vs. Hunter with a splash following a Somoan Drop from Sika
Jim Duggan vs. Steve Lombardi with the running clothesline
Taped 5/13/87; San Diego, CA; Sports Arena
Koko B. Ware vs. Dusty Wolfe at 2:34 with the Ghostbuster
The One Man Gang (w/ Slick) vs. Mario Mancini at 2:05 with an elbow drop from the middle turnbuckle to Mancini’s back (Gang’s Challenge debut)
Ken Patera vs. Tim Patterson via submission with the bearhug at 2:42
Demolition (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Bill Anderson & an unknown at 2:38 following the Decapitation
B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. Jimmy Jack Funk & the Raider at 4:39 following a Brunzell dropkick
Butch Reed, the Iron Sheik, & Nikolai Volkoff (w/ Slick) vs. Joe Mirto, Brad Rheingans, & SD Jones at 3:43 when Sheik forced a submission from Mirto with the Camel Clutch
Taped 5/13/87; San Diego, CA; Sports Arena
6/7/87 – included the Islanders / Martel & Zenk match from the 5/30/87 Superstars, shown in full:
The Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Jerry Allen at 1:34 with the Shake, Rattle, & Roll; prior to the match, ring announcer Mel Phillips announced that WWF President Jack Tunney would not be banning Jake Roberts’ DDT
Hercules (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Jerry Monti at the 31-second mark via submission with the full nelson
George Steele vs. Rudy Ryder at the 40-second mark via submission with the flying hammerlock
Greg Valentine & Dino Bravo (w/ Johnny V) vs. Paul Roma & Jim Powers at 4:21 after Bravo hit Powers with a clothesline
Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Bill Anderson with the flying elbowsmash at 2:32
Taped 6/3/87; Rochester, NY; War Memorial
6/14/87 – included the Ricky Steamboat / Honkytonk Man match from the 6/13/87 Superstars, shown in full:
Kamala & Sika vs. Don Driggers & Mario Mancini when Kamala vs. Mancini with a splash at 2:21
Brutus Beefcake vs. Dusty Wolfe at 2:29 with the sleeper
Killer Khan vs. Eric Cooper at 1:56
The Junkyard Dog vs. Steve Lombardi with a running powerslam at 2:11
Hillbilly Jim, SD Jones, & Billy Jack Haynes vs. Iron Mike Sharpe, Bob Orton Jr., & Don Muraco at 3:25 after Muraco accidentally hit Orton
Taped 6/3/87; Rochester, NY; War Memorial
WWF IC Champion the Honkytonk Man vs. Paul Roma with the Shake, Rattle, & Roll at 1:57
Ken Patera vs. Rick Renslow at 2:12 via submission with a bearhug
The Islanders vs. Scott Casey & Lanny Poffo at 3:27 following a double headbutt on Poffo
Koko B. Ware vs. Johnny K-9 at 2:10 with the Ghostbuster
One Man Gang vs. Brian Costello at 1:53 with the front suplex
Demolition vs. Jim Powers & Jerry Allen at 3:45 with the Decapitation
Taped 6/3/87; Rochester, NY; War Memorial
Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. David Stoudemire at the 35-second mark with the flying elbowsmash; prior to the match, Mr. T was introduced as the new enforcer of the WWF
Raymond Rougeau (w/ Jacques Rougeau) fought Greg Valentine (w/ Dino Bravo) to a double disqualification at 3:12 after both parnters interfered
Rick Martel & Tom Zenk vs. Terry Gibbs & Jimmy Jack Funk at 3:47 when Zenk vs. Gibbs with a dropkick off the top
King Harley Race, Hercules, & Paul Orndorff (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. three unknowns at 2:12 following a piledriver from Orndorff
Ron Bass vs. Frankie Laine at 2:35
Taped 6/24/87; Louisville, KY; Louisville Gardens
7/5/87 – included an ‘Special Report’ segment, showing Ted Dibiase going into a restaurant where he paid off someone to buy a seat without having to wait in line like everyone else; included Craig DeGeorge interviewing Danny Davis, who was upset over the announcement that Mr. T would be the new enforcer in the WWF; included footage of Superstar Billy Graham training for his comeback, with Butch Reed & Slick commenting on the footage and Reed saying he wasn’t impressed; included DeGeorge interviewing the British Bulldogs, who said that Matilda would guide them back to the tag team titles; included the Ken Patera / Frankie Lane match from the 6/27 Superstars, shown in full with the aftermath; featured footage from ‘Predator’, starring Jesse Ventura:
Jake Roberts vs. Tony Leone at 1:27 with the DDT; during the bout, Bobby Heenan claimed on commentary that he had signed Bam Bam Bigelow
WWF IC Champion the Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Jim Powers at 1:38 in a non-title match with the Shake, Rattle, & Roll; during the bout, an insert promo by Hart was shown in which he claimed he would be the one to manage Bam Bam Bigelow
Brutus Beefcake vs. Frank DeFalco via submission at 1:46 with the sleeper; after the bout, Beefcake cut some of his opponent’s hair before dyeing it red
Demolition (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. SD Jones & Paul Roma at 2:21 when Ax vs. Roma following the Decapitation; during the bout, an insert promo by Fuji was shown in which he claimed he would be the one to manage Bam Bam Bigelow
Killer Khan (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Mike Richards at 3:24 with the flying kneedrop after spitting green mist in his opponent’s face
Taped 6/24/87; Louisville, KY; Louisville Gardens
7/12/87 – included an ‘Special Report’ segment, focusing on Killer Khan, with footage of him using the green mist against his opponents on the 7/4 Superstars and 7/5 Challenge; included footage of Superstar Billy Graham posing, with a response from Butch Reed & Slick saying that next week Reed would do his own posing routine; included Craig DeGeorge interviewing Bobby Heenan, King Harley Race, King Kong Bundy, & Hercules who joked and laughed about their attack on Ken Patera 2 weeks earlier; included footage of Ted Dibiase appearing at a house show, where he was shown throwing money into the crowd:
The Junkyard Dog vs. Brian Costello with the powerslam at 1:53
The Islanders (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Jerry Allen & Mario Mancini at 2:42 when Haku vs. Mancini after diving headbutts from both Islanders; during the bout, Johnny V claimed on commentary that he was the one who had signed Bam Bam Bigelow
B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. Don Muraco & Bob Orton Jr. via disqualification at 4:16 after Orton accidentally punched the referee when Brunzell moved out of the way; after the bout, the Bees cleared their opponents out of the ring with double dropkicks
The One Man Gang (w/ Slick) vs. Jim Evans at 1:08 with the front suplex; during the bout, an insert promo by Slick was shown in which he claimed he would be the one to manage Bam Bam Bigelow
Hillbilly Jim, Tito Santana, & Billy Jack Haynes vs. Tiger Chung Lee, Terry Gibbs, & Chris Curtis at 2:39 when Santana vs. Curtis with the flying forearm
WWF Tag Team Champions Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Cpl. Kirchner & Omar Atlas at 3:15 when Bret vs. Atlas following the Hart Attack
Taped 6/24/87; Louisville, KY; Louisville Gardens
Kamala & Sika (w/ Mr. Fuji & Kimchee) vs. Sonny Rogers & Lanny Poffo at 1:22 when Kamala vs. Rogers with a splash
WWF IC Champion the Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Scott Casey at 2:13 in a non-title match with the Shake, Rattle, & Roll
Rick Martel & Tom Zenk vs. the Shadows at 4:11 when Martel scored the pin with a flying crossbody
Greg Valentine & Dino Bravo (w/ Johnny V) vs. Jerry Allen & an unknown at 3:25 when Valentine forced a submission from Allen with the figure-4
Jake Roberts vs. Dusty Wolf at 1:29 with the DDT
Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Sivi Afi at 2:17 with the flying elbow drop
Taped 7/16/87; Lake Placid, NY; Olympic Center
7/26/87 – included Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with Bobby Heenan & King Harley Race; included the Mr. T / Danny Davis Snake Pit from the 7/18 Superstars:
Ken Patera vs. Al Navarro via submission at 1:53 with the swinging neckbreaker
Demolition (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Scott Casey & Steve Douglas at 3:11 when Smash vs. Douglas following the Decapitation
George Steele vs. the Gladiator via submission at 2:32 with the flying hammerlock
Killer Khan (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. David Stoudemire at 2:59 with the flying kneedrop after spitting green mist in his opponent’s face
Jim Powers & Paul Roma vs. Steve Lombardi & Barry Horowitz at 4:20 when Roma vs. Horowitz with a sunset flip off the top
The One Man Gang (w/ Slick) vs. Eric Cooper at 1:38 with the front suplex
Taped 7/16/87; Lake Placid, NY; Olympic Center
8/2/87 – included Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with Ron Bass; included footage of Sherri Martel beating the Fabulous Moolah for the Women’s Title on 7/24 in Houston:
Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Brady Boone at 4:19 with the flying elbow drop
Jake Roberts vs. Rick Renslow at 2:40 with the DDT
WWF Tag Team Champions Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs. SD Jones & Sivi Afi in a non-title match at 4:14 following the Hart Attack
Koko B. Ware vs. Terry Gibbs at 2:25 with the Ghostbuster
Hercules (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Jerry Allen via submission to the full nelson at 1:56
B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell & the Junkyard Dog vs. Tiger Chung Lee, Joe Mertoe, & Dave Labner at 3:25 when JYD vs. Labner with the powerslam
Taped 7/16/87; Lake Placid, NY; Olympic Center
8/9/87 – included Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with Greg Valentine, Dino Bravo, & Johnny V; included footage of Slick & Mr. Fuji arguing with each other, with both claiming to have the managerial contract of Bam Bam Bigelow:
The Islanders (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Rick Hunter & Omar Atlas at 3:42
Hillbilly Jim & Tito Santana vs. Barry Horowitz & Joe Mirto at 2:57 when Mirto submitted to Santana’s figure-4
WWF IC Champion the Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. David Stoudemire at 2:20 in a non-title match following the Shake, Rattle, & Roll
Brutus Beefcake, Jacuqes, & Raymond Rougeau vs. Mario Mancini, Dusty Wolfe, & Iron Mike Sharpe at 2:44 after Beefcake applied the sleeper on Mancini
Rick Rude (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Lanny Poffo at 1:05 with a superplex
Taped 8/5/87; LaCrosse, WI; LaCrosse Center
8/16/87 – included Ted Dibiase offering a woman $100 to get down on all fours and bark like a dog; after she did what he said, he kept the money for himself after claiming she didn’t do a good enough job; included a ‘Special Report’ showcasing the ‘Battle for Bam Bam’ with comments from Freddie Blassie sayng he doesn’t know what’s happening or what Bam Bam should do; included the Hart Foundation / Powers & Roma match from the 8/8 Superstars:
Superstar Billy Graham vs. Barry Horowitz via submission at 1:40 with a bearhug
The One Man Gang (w/ Slick) vs. Billy Beauman at 2:52 with the front suplex
Koko B. Ware vs. Brian Costello at 3:23 with the Ghostbuster
Rick Rude (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Sonny Rogers via submission after 57 seconds
Kamala & Sika (w/ Mr. Fuji & Kimchee) vs. Lanny Poffo & Mark Richards at 2:00 when Kamala vs. Richards with a splash off the top
Taped 8/5/87; LaCrosse, WI; LaCrosse Center
8/23/87 – included Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with Jimmy Hart & Danny Davis:
Chris Curtis vs. Mr. Washington (sub. for Ted Dibiase) with a backbreaker at 1:05 after Dibiase paid off Washington with $5000 to take his place for what would have been his WWF in-ring debut; after the match, Dibiase and Virgil attacked Washington and stole back the money (Most Embarrassing Moments)
The Junkyard Dog vs. Rick Renslow with a powerslam at 2:25
Greg Valentine & Dino Bravo vs. Sivi Afi & Jim Evans at 3:37 when Evans submitted to Valentine’s figure-4
Randy Savage vs. Scott Casey with the flying elbowdrop at 2:21
Brutus Beefcake vs. Tom Stone at 1:16 with the sleeper
Demolition vs. Pete Sanchez & Omar Atlas at 1:21 following the Decapitation on Sanchez
Taped 8/5/87; LaCrosse, WI; LaCrosse Center
8/30/87 – included footage from the 8/22 Superstars of Paul Orndorff firing Bobby Heenan as his manager for the second time:
Jake Roberts vs. Steve Lombardi with the DDT at 4:34
Killer Khan vs. Jack Milliman at 1:54
Butch Reed vs. Brady Boone with a press slam at 3:54
George Steele vs. Rick Gantner via submission with the flying hammerlock at 1:59
King Harley Race & Hercules vs. Jim Powers & Paul Roma when Hercules vs. Powers at 3:25
Koko B. Ware vs. Dave Wagner with the Ghostbuster at 1:36
Taped 8/25/87; San Francisco, CA; Cow Palace
9/6/87 – included Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with Bobby Heenan, where Heenan introduced Andre the Giant but Andre quickly went backstage after being heavily booed:
WWF IC Champion the Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Jerry Monti at 3:28 in a non-title match following the Shake, Rattle, & Roll
Rick Martel & Tito Santana vs. Steve Lombardi & Terry Gibbs at 4:15 when Santana vs. Lombardi with the flying forearm
The One Man Gang (w/ Slick) vs. Billy Anderson at 2:36 with the front suplex
Paul Orndorff (w/ Oliver Humperdink) vs. Rex Farmer at 2:33 with the piledriver
Brutus Beefcake vs. Mike Starr via submission with the sleeper at 1:57
The Islanders (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Steve Gatorwolf & Jesse Cortez at 2:52 following a double headbutt
Taped 8/25/87; San Francisco, CA; Cow Palace
9/13/87 – included Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with WWF IC Champion the Honkytonk Man & Jimmy Hart; featured footage from the previous week’s Superstars in which Bam Bam Bigelow named Sir Oliver Humperdink as his manager as well as footage from the Bigelow / Volkoff match:
Superstar Billy Graham vs. Tim Patterson via submission at 1:47 with the bearhug
Demolition (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Ricky Ataki & Pete Ketchum at 3:08 following the Decapitation on Ataki
Jake Roberts vs. Iron Mike Sharpe at 3:35 with the DDT
Ted Dibiase (w/ Virgil) vs. Lanny Poffo via submission with a leglock at 2:21
WWF Tag Team Champions Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart & Danny Davis vs. Scott Casey, Sivi Afi, & Carl Schmidt at 2:25 when Davis vs. Schmidt with a splash off the top
Taped 8/25/87; San Francisco, CA; Cow Palace
9/20/87 – included the Randy Savage / Omar Atlas match taped the following day; featured Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with Ken Patera:
B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. the Shadows at 4:10 after B. Brian Blair hit the Bee Sting flying elbow
Killer Khan (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Darrell Nickel at 1:55 with the flying kneedrop after spraying green mist into his opponent’s eyes
Don Muraco vs. Tiger Chung Lee with a tombstone at 2:49
King Harley Race, Hercules, Rick Rude, & King Kong Bundy (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Brady Boone, Dusty Wolfe, Rudy Ryder, & SD Jones at 3:50 when Bundy vs. Ryder with an elbow off the middle turnbuckle
Butch Reed (w/ Slick) vs. Jerry Allen at 3:46 with a clothesline off the top
Taped 9/16/87; Rockford, IL; Metro Centre
9/27/87 – included Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with Jim Duggan:
Demolition (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. SD Jones & Outback Jack at 4:03 following the Decapitation on Jones
Paul Orndorff (w/ Oliver Humperdink) vs. Brian Costello at 3:19 with the piledriver
The One Man Gang (w/ Slick) vs. Van Van Horne at 1:52 with the front suplex; after the bout, OMG continued to attack his opponent to the point where Horne had to be taken out on a stretcher
Superstar Billy Graham & Ivan Putski vs. Rocky Stone & Joe Mirto after 17 seconds when both men gained simultaneous submission wins with a bearhug
Rick Rude (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Sivi Afi at 4:08 with a reverse piledriver
WWF Women’s Champion Sherri Martel vs. Velvet McIntyre at 3:35 in a non-title match by reversing a roll up and using the tights for leverage
Taped 9/16/87; Rockford, IL; Metro Centre
10/4/87 – included Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with Ron Bass:
Jim Powers & Paul Roma vs. Rick Renslow & Dave Wagner at 3:39 when Roma vs. Renslow with a powerslam
King Harley Race, Hercules, & King Kong Bundy (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Scott Casey, Brady Boone, & Chris Curtis at 2:31 when Bundy vs. Curtis with the Avalance
Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Oliver Humperdink) vs. Shadow 1 at 1:24 with a slingshot splash into the ring
Ted Dibiase (w/ Virgil) vs. Jerry Allen via submission at 4:25
Don Muraco vs. Barry Horowitz at 2:45 with the tombstone
Jim Duggan, Jacques & Raymond Rougeau vs. Danny Davis, WWF Tag Team Champions Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart) via disqualification when Davis hit Jacques with Jimmy Hart’s megaphone as Jacques had Bret in a sleeper
Taped 9/16/87; Rockford, IL; Metro Centre
10/11/87 – included Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with Jimmy Hart, WWF Tag Team Champions Bret Hart, & Jim Neidhart; included highlights of the Savage / Honky match from SNME:
Rick Martel & Tito Santana vs. Terry Gibbs & Iron Mike Sharpe at 3:31 when Santana vs. Sharpe with the flying forearm
Butch Reed (w/ Slick) vs. Lanny Poffo at 2:12 with a press slam
Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Oliver Humperdink) vs. Shadow 2 (w/ Shadow 1) at 1:16 with a slingshot splash into the ring; after the bout, Bigelow fought off both men
The Islanders (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Mario Mancini & Mike Richards at 4:02 when Tama vs. Richards with a splash off the top
Killer Khan (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Chris Zarna at 1:35 with the flying kneedrop after spraying green mist into his opponent’s eyes
Taped 10/7/87; Green Bay, WI; Veterans Memorial Arena
10/18/87 – included Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with Andre the Giant & Bobby Heenan, discussing the Survivor Series main event:
Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid vs. Brian Costello & Chris Oliver at 4:06 when Dynamite vs. Costello
The One Man Gang (w/ Slick) vs. Rick Gantner at 2:26 with the front suplex
Jim Duggan vs. Barry Horowitz at 1:43 with the running clothesline
Rick Rude & Hercules (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Scott Casey & Jim Evans via submission at 3:17
Taped 10/7/87; Green Bay, WI; Veterans Memorial Arena
10/25/87 – included Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with Jimmy Hart; featured the ‘Girls in Cars’ music video from the Piledriver Album:
Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Van Van Horne at 2:59 with the flying elbow drop
Ted DiBiase (w/ Virgil) vs. Tony Parks via submission at 2:55
Rick Martel & Tito Santana vs. Steve Lombardi & Tom Stone at 5:00 when Santana vs. Stone with the flying forearm
The Ultimate Warrior vs. Terry Gibbs at 1:38 after a splash; during the bout, Warrior cut an insert promo (Warrior’s TV debut) (The Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior) Demolition (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Sonny Rogers & Chris Zarna at 4:05 following the Decapitation on Zarna
Taped 10/7/87; Green Bay, WI; Veterans Memorial Arena
11/1/87 – included Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan, discussing the Survivor Series main event:
Brutus Beefcake vs. WWF IC Champion the Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) via disqualification in a non-title match at 2:04 when Hart climbed in the ring with the megaphone as Beefcake had the sleeper applied; after the match, Beefcake applied the sleeper on Hart and began cutting his hair until Danny Davis attacked Beefcake from behind and helped Hart from the ring; moments later, Beefcake scared the champion from the ring (Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake)
Nikolai Volkoff & Boris Zhukov (w/ Slick) vs. SD Jones & Lanny Poffo at 2:41 when Zhukov vs. Poffo (Bolsheviks’ TV debut)
Sam Houston vs. Rick Renslow at 2:12 with a bulldog
Killer Khan (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Chris Curtis at 2:08 with the flying kneedrop after spraying green mist into his opponent’s eyes
B. Brian Blair, Jim Brunzell, & Koko B. Ware vs. Greg Valentine, Dino Bravo & Johnny V at 3:32 when Koko vs. Johnny V with a dropkick off the top
Taped 10/28/87; Rochester, NY; War Memorial
11/8/87 – included comments from Ted Dibiase, who called George Steele stupid for being unable to find the arena for their scheduled match; included Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with WWF IC Champion the Honkytonk Man & Jimmy Hart; included the ‘Jive Soul Bro’ music video from the Piledriver Album; included the Strike Force / Hart Foundation match from Superstars, shown in full:
Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Oliver Humperdink) vs. Terry Gibbs at 1:12 with a slingshot splash into the ring
The Ultimate Warrior vs. Barry Horowitz at 1:51 with the press slam
Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid vs. Greg Valentine & Dino Bravo (w/ Johnny V) via disqualification at 3:14 when Johnny V interfered
The Islanders (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. SD Jones & Jerry Allen at 2:19 when Tama vs. Allen with a splash off the top
Butch Reed (w/ Slick) vs. Omar Atlas at 1:14 with a clothesline
Taped 10/28/87; Rochester, NY; War Memorial
11/15/87 – included an interview with Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, the Islanders, Demolition, Greg Valentine, Dino Bravo, Nikolai Volkoff, & Boris Zhukov regarding their match at the Survivor Series:
Jake Roberts vs. Nikolai Volkoff (w/ Slick & Boris Zhukov) at 3:06 with a roll up; after the bout, Roberts used Damien to hold off all three men
Rick Rude vs. Brady Boone via submission at 1:20
Ken Patera & Billy Jack Haynes vs. Gino Carabello & Dave Wagner at 2:58 when Carabello submitted to Haynes’ full nelson
Jim Duggan vs. Dusty Wolfe at 1:07 with the running clothesline
Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Rick Oliver at 2:28 with the flying elbow drop
Taped 10/28/87; Rochester, NY; War Memorial
11/22/87 – included Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with Andre the Giant, Bobby Heenan, & Slick regarding the Survivor Series main event:
WWF Tag Team Champions Rick Martel & Tito Santana vs. Barry Horowitz & Terry Gibbs in a non-title match at 3:25 when Gibbs submitted to Martel’s Boston Crab
The One Man Gang (w/ Slick) vs. Carmine Surace at 1:13 with the front suplex
Demolition (w/Mr. Fuji) vs. Pete Lusik & Omar Atlas at 3:04 following the Decapitation on Lusik
Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Oliver Humperdink) vs. Jose Estrada at 2:40 with the slingshot suplex into the ring
Nikolai Volkoff & Boris Zhukov (w/ Slick) vs. Lanny Poffo & Van Van Horne at 2:41 when Zhukov vs. Horne after a flying headbutt
Brutus Beefcake vs. Danny Davis (w/ Jimmy Hart) at 3:53 after throwing an interfering Hart off the top onto Davis; after the bout, Beefcake put Hart in the sleeper and was about to cut his hair until Davis pulled his manager out of the ring (Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake)
Taped 11/18/87; Omaha, NE; Civic Auditorium
11/29/87 – featured Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with Butch Reed & Slick regarding the health of Superstar Billy Graham; included the Honkytonk Man music video from the Piledriver Album:
Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid vs. the Conquistadors at 5:06 when Smith scored the pin with the running powerslam
Ted DiBiase (w/ Virgil) vs. Sonny Rogers at 1:17 with a reverse elbow from the middle turnbuckle
Jim Duggan vs. Barry Horowitz at 2:05 with the running clothesline
Killer Khan (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Mike Richards at 2:13 with the flying kneedrop after spraying green mist into his opponent’s eyes
The Ultimate Warrior vs. Brian Costello at 1:56 with the press slam
Ken Patera & Billy Jack Haynes vs. Dave Wagner & Rick Renslow at 1:47 when Wagner submitted to Haynes’ full nelson
Taped 11/18/87; Omaha, NE; Civic Auditorium
12/6/87 – featured Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with Danny Davis, Jimmy Hart, and Sam Houston, where Davis and Houston ended up in a pull-apart brawl; included the Demolition music video from the Piledriver Album; featured footage from SNME in which Hulk Hogan injured Bobby Heenan’s neck:
Rick Rude vs. Omar Atlas via submission at 1:47
Jake Roberts vs. Barry Horowitz after 56 seconds with the DDT
King Harley Race vs. Jerry Allen at 1:08 with a cradle suplex
Don Muraco vs. Pete Sanchez at 1:28 with the tombstone
Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Scott Casey & Sivi Afi at 3:18 following the Hart Attack on Afi
Taped 11/18/87; Omaha, NE; Civic Auditorium
12/13/87 – featured Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with Ted Dibiase & Virgil regarding Dibiase’s plans to buy the WWF World Title:
Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Oliver Humperdink) vs. Brian Costello at 2:21 with the slingshot suplex into the ring
Nikolai Volkoff & Boris Zhukov (w/ Slick) vs. Jim Evans & Brady Boone at 2:43 when Zhukov vs. Evans
Danny Davis (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Sam Houston via count-out at 4:03 after Davis hit Houston with Hart’s megaphone as Houston was distracted by Hart
WWF Tag Team Champions Rick Martel & Tito Santana vs. Dusty Wolfe & Steve Lombardi in a non-title match at 3:30 when Wolfe submitted to Martel’s Boston crab
Dino Bravo (w/ Frenchy Martin) vs. Lanny Poffo at 2:01 with the side suplex
Koko B. Ware & the Junkyard Dog vs. Barry Horowitz & Terry Gibbs at 1:59 when Koko vs. Horowitz with the Ghostbuster
Taped 12/9/87; Ft. Myers, FL; Lee Civic Center
12/20/87 – featured Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with Jim Duggan:
Paul Roma & Jim Powers vs. Rick Renslow & Dave Wagner at 3:18 when Roma vs. Renslow with a sunset flip off the top
Rick Rude (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Outback Jack via submission at 1:32
Brutus Beefcake vs. Barry Horowitz via submission at 1:36 with the sleeper
The One Man Gang & Butch Reed (w/ Slick) vs. Lanny Poffo & SD Jones at 3:17 when Gang vs. Jones with the front suplex
Nikolai Volkoff & Boris Zhukov (w/ Slick) vs. Mike Richards & Mr. Harte at 1:17 when Volkoff vs. Richards with a backbreaker
The Ultimate Warrior vs. Rex King at 1:16 with the press slam
WWF Intercontinental Champion the Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Scott Casey at 2:10 in a non-title match with the Shake, Rattle, & Roll
Taped 12/9/87; Ft. Myers, FL; Lee Civic Center
12/27/87 – featured Craig DeGeorge conducting an interview with Demolition & Mr. Fuji; included the Bulldogs / Islanders match from Superstars, shown in full:
WWF Tag Team Champions Rick Martel & Tito Santana vs. Rick Gantner & Terry Gibbs at 3:06 when Gantner submitted to Martel’s Boston crab
Ted DiBiase (w/ Virgil) vs. Sivi Afi at 2:17 with a reverse elbow from the middle turnbuckle
Jake Roberts vs. Steve Lombardi at 2:15 with the DDT
Dino Bravo (w/ Frenchy Martin) vs. Jerry Allen at 1:30 with the side suplex
Don Muraco vs. Frank DeFalco at 1:31 after the tombstone
Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Jerry Gray at 2:01