WWF International Wrestling Challenge was an exclusive international airing of WWF Wrestling Challenge, different from the main show that aired in the USA. Airing in the late 80s, this rare gem is a difficult show to get ahold of. It features rare matches and clips of WWF top Superstars, never before seen anywhere else.
Lord Alfred Hayes co-hosted International Wrestling Challenge with Mean Gene Okerlund
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 1
1) Rick Rude vs SD Jones (Spectrum, Philadelphia 1987)
2) Paul Orndorff vs Nikolai Volkoff (Boston, MA, 15/8/87)
3) Honky Tonk Man vs Jerry Monti
4) Rougeau Brothers vs Dino Bravo & Johnny V (Boston, MA, 15/8/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 2
1) Brady Boone vs Jose Estrada (Boston, MA)
2) Killer Bees & Junk Yard Dog vs Tiger Chung Lee, Joe Mirto & Rick Renslow
3) Harley Race vs Hillbilly Jim (MSG, New York, 21/9/87)
4) Dingo Warrior (Ultimate Warrior) vs Barry Horowitz (Boston, 15/8/87)
5) Greg Valentine vs Tito Santana
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 3
1) Dave Wagner & Rick Renslow vs Young Stallions
2) Rick Rude vs Sivi Afi
3) Hillbilly Jim vs Iron Mike Sharpe
4) Outback Jack & SD Jones vs Darrell Nickell & Rudy Ryder
5) Paul Orndorff vs Billy Jack Haynes (Spectrum, Philadelphia, 20/6/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 4
1) Killer Bees vs Greg Valentine & Dino Bravo (MSG)
2) Danny Spivey vs SD Jones (Boston, MA)
3) Koko.B.Ware vs Terry Gibbs
4) Ted Dibiase vs Junk Yard Dog
5) Honky Tonk Man vs Randy Savage (MSG, 21/9/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 5
1) Outback Jack vs Iron Mike Sharpe (joined in progress)
2) Strike Force vs Islanders (2/3 Falls match)(MSG, 16/10/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 6
1) Brady Boone vs Barry Horowitz (Spectrum, 18/7/87)
2) Koko B Ware vs Nikolai Volkoff (MSG, 25/7/87)
3) Hillbilly Jim vs Butch Reed (MSG, 25/7/87)
4) Honky Tonk Man vs Tito Santana (7/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 7
1) Brady Boone vs Iron Mike Sharpe (Boston, 15/8/87)
2) Ted Dibiase vs SD Jones (Superstars of Wrestling)
3) Tama vs Scott Casey (MSG, 22/8/87)
4) Young Stallions vs Barry Horowitz & Steve Lombardi
5) Brutus Beefcake vs Harley Race (EXCLUSIVE)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 8
1) Hillbilly Jim vs Iron Mike Sharpe
2) Jim Powers vs Shadow #2 (Boston, 11/7/87)
3) Hulk Hogan vs Bob Orton (WWF World Championship) (Superstars of Wrestling)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 9
1) Killer Bees vs Greg Valentine & Dino Bravo (MSG, 16/10/87)
2) Honky Tonk Man vs Ken Patera (MSG, 18/5/87)
3) Tito Santana, Hillbilly Jim & Billy Jack Haynes vs unknowns (joined in progress)
4) Ken Patera vs Nikolai Volkoff
5) Hart Foundation vs Young Stallions (Superstars of Wrestling)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 10
1) Paul Orndorff vs Pedro Moralas (Toronto)
2) Cpr Kirchner vs Johnny K 9 (Toronto)
3) Dino Bravo vs Scott Casey (Boston, 11/7/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 11
1) Terry Gibbs vs Brad Reingens
2) Jerry Allen vs Bob Orton (Boston, 11/7/87)
3) Sivi Afi vs Jose Estrada (Boston)
4) Hart Foundation vs Rougeau Brothers (Boston)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 12
1) Red Demon vs Koko B Ware (London, Ontario)
2) Nikolai Volkoff vs Tito Santana (MSG, 14/6/87)
3) Rougeau Brothers vs The Shadows
4) Hart Foundation vs Junk Yard Dog & Davey Boy Smith (Toronto)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 13
1) Rick Martel vs Barry Horowitz
2) Jake Roberts vs Dusty Wolfe (Superstars of Wrestling)
3) Hillbilly Jim vs Steve Lombardi
4) Lanny Poffo vs Dave Barbi
5) Young Stallions vs The Shadows (Spectrum, 20/6/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 14
1) Ted Dibiase vs Sivi Afi (Boston, 15/8/87)
2) Rick Rude vs Scott Casey (Spectrum, 18/7/87)
3) Killer Bees vs Steve Lombardi & Mike Sharpe (Superstars)
4) Hart Foundation vs Rick Martel & Junk Yard Dog
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 15
1) Paul Orndorff vs Junk Yard Dog (MSG, 14/6/87)
2) Killer Kahn vs Outback Jack (Superstars of Wrestling)
3) Bob Orton vs Frankie Lane (Toronto)
4) Islanders vs Brutus Beefcake & Greg Valentine (Boston, 6/12/86))
5) British Bulldogs vs Hercules & Harley Race
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 16
1) Jim Powers vs Iron Mike Sharpe (Spectrum)
2) Powers of Pain vs Larry Stevens & Bob Blackburn
3) Mr Perfect vs B Brian Blair (Spectrum, 24/9/88)
4) Junk Yard Dog vs Red Rooster
5) Hart Foundation vs Rougeau Brothers (Spectrum)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 17
1) Young Stallions vs Gino Carabello & Brian Costello
2) The Angel vs Iron Mike Sharpe (Toronto)
3) Hercules vs Max McGyver
4) Junk Yard Dog vs Bad News Brown (Spectrum)
5) Hulk Hogan vs Ted Dibiase (Boston, 10/9/88)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 18
1) Powers of Pain vs Sandy Beach & Brian Costello
2) Koko.B.Ware vs Red Rooster (Boston, 3/12/88)
3) Akeem vs Pete Doherty (Boston, 3/12/88)
4) Hercules vs Boris Zuchoff
5) Ken Patera vs Rick Rude (EXCLUSIVE)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 19
1) Rockers vs Mike Sharpe & Jose Estrada
2) Lanny Poffo vs Boris Zuchoff (Los Angeles)
3) Ron Garvin vs Greg Valentine (Los Angeles)
4) Brutus Beefcake vs Mr Perfect (MSG, 23/1/89)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 20
1) Tim Horner vs Rick Martel
2) The Genius vs Jim Powers (Boston, 22/4/89)
3) Jake Roberts vs Tom Burton (Demoine, Iowa)
4) Rockers vs Chris Duffy & Gary Royal (Syracuse, NY)
5) Bushwhackers vs Brain Busters (Toronto, Canada)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 21
1) Hillbilly Jim vs Steve Lombardi
2) Islanders vs Magnificent Muraco & Bob Orton
3) Junk Yard Dog & Ricky Steamboat vs Mr. X & Moondog Spot
4) Can-Am Connection vs Brutus Beefcake & Greg Valentine (MSG, 19/1/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 22
1) Junk Yard Dog vs AJ Petruzzi
2) Dynamite Kid vs Moondog Rex (Houston, TX)
3) Outback Jack vs Barry O (MSG)
4) Hart Foundation vs Rougeau Brothers (Boston, MA)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 23
1) Bob Orton & Magnificent Muraco vs Mike Kelly & Nick Kiniski
2) Outback Jack vs Jimmy Jack Funk (Boston, 7/3/87)
3) Bret Hart vs Raymond Rougeau (Houston, TX)
4) Hulk Hogan & Ricky Steamboat vs Macho Man Randy Savage & Honky Tonk Man (Meadowlands, NJ, 5/1/87)(EXCLUSIVE)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 24
1) Cousin Luke vs Bob Orton (Boston, 6/9/86)
2) Blackjack Mulligan vs Joe Mirto
3) Magnificent Muraco vs Corporal Kirchner (Toronto)
4) Macho Man Randy Savage vs Junk Yard Dog (Houston, TX)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 25
1) Islanders vs The Gladiator & Moondog Spot
2) Junk Yard Dog & Cpr Kirchner vs Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff (Boston, 11/1/86)
3) Outback Jack vs Frenchy Martin (Spectrum, 14/3/87)
4) Fred Blassie & Hercules on the TNT set
5) Hulk Hogan vs King Kong Bundy (Boston, 6/10/85)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 26
1) Paul Roma & SD Jones vs Steve Lombardi & Jesse Cortez
2) Randy Savage interviewed by Gene Okerlund at home
3) Hillbilly Jim vs Big John Studd (Boston, 8/2/86)
4) Pedro Moralas vs Bob Orton (Boston, 4/10/86)
5) Killer Bees vs Hart Foundation (MSG)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 27
1) Bob Orton vs Tommy Sharpe
2) Jake Roberts vs Macho Man Randy Savage (2/87)(EXCLUSIVE)
3) Rougeau Brothers vs Moondogs (Toronto, Canada)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 28
1) SD Jones & Paul Roma vs Gino Carabello & Terry Gibbs
2) Magnificent Muraco vs Leaping Lanny Poffo (Boston, MA)
3) Hillbilly Jim vs Jim Neidhart (Boston, MA)
4) Hulk Hogan & Junk Yard Dog vs King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd (Toronto, Canada)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 29
1) Junk Yard Dog vs King Kong Bundy (Toronto)
2) Pedro Moralas vs Hercules (Toronto)
3) Tom Zenk vs Greg Valentine (Spectrum, PA)
4) British Bulldogs vs Hart Foundation (Boston, MA)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 30
1) Jake Roberts vs Steve Lombardi
2) Bad News Brown vs Chris Zarna
3) Young Stallions vs Tom Stone & Rick Gatner
4) Hercules vs Bill Bowman
5) Junk Yard Dog vs Terry Gibbs
6) Ken Patera vs Dino Bravo (Tug of War)
7) Rougeau Brothers vs Dave Wagner & Rick Renslow
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 31
1) Rockers vs Tom Stone & Steve Lombardi
2) Hercules vs Jose Louis Rivera
3) Brutus Beefcake vs Pete Sanchez
4) Jim Duggan vs One Man Gang (MSG, 25/6/88)
5) British Bulldogs vs Bolshevicks (Boston, 12/12/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 32
1) Young Stallions vs Dave Wagner & Mike Sharpe
2) SD Jones vs Steve Lombardi (Toronto)
3) Butch Reed vs Brady Boone
4) Dingo Warrior vs Frenchy Martin (Houston, TX)
5) Rougeau Brothers vs Greg Valentine & Dino Bravo (MSG, 21/9/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 33
1) Ivan Putski vs Greg Valentine (Spectrum)
2) Paul Orndorff vs Rex Farmer
3) Junk Yard Dog vs Harley Race (Toronto)
4) Bob Orton vs Scott Casey (Toronto)
5) British Bulldogs vs Bolshevicks (Toronto)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 34
1) Strike Force vs Terry Gibbs & Mike Sharpe
2) SD Jones vs Boris Zuchoff (Houston, TX)
3) Hercules vs Ivan Putski (Boston, 7/11/87)
4) Koko.B.Ware vs Harley Race (Toronto)
5) British Bulldogs vs Hart Foundation (MSG, 25/7/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 35
1) Ken Patera & Billy Jack Haynes vs Gino Carabello & ??? (joined in progress)
2) Brutus Beefcake vs Greg Valentine (Houston, TX)
3) Bolshevicks vs Lanny Poffo & Van Horne
4) Paul Orndorff vs Rick Rude (Toronto)
5) Rougeau Brothers vs Hercules & Terry Gibbs (Toronto)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 36
1) Brad Reingens vs Tiger Chung Lee (MSG, 21/9/87)
2) Hercules vs Davey Boy Smith (Boston, 12/9/87)
3) Junk Yard Dog vs One Man Gang
4) Strike Force vs Dusty Wolfe & Steve Lombardi
5) Ricky Steamboat vs Honky Tonk Man (Lumberjack match)(MSG, 22/8/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 37
1) British Bulldogs vs Rip Oliver & Brian Costello
2) Jake Roberts vs Danny Davis (MSG, 24/11/87)
3) Bolshevicks vs Young Stallions (Boston, 7/11/87)
4) Outback Jack vs Jose Estrada (MSG, 16/10/87)
5) Killer Bees vs Greg Valentine & Dino Bravo (MSG, 16/10/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 38
1) Rick Rude vs Omar Atlas
2) Brutus Beefcake vs Greg Valentine (Boston, 7/11/87)
3) British Bulldogs vs Steve Lombardi & Barry Horowitz (Spectrum)
4) Sam Houston vs Iron Mike Sharpe
5) Strike Force vs Hart Foundation (Superstars of Wrestling)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 39
1) SD Jones vs Iron Mike Sharpe (Boston, 9/1/88)
2) Hillbilly Jim vs Dino Bravo (Copps Coliseum, 29/12/87)
3) Ultimate Warrior vs Steve Lombardi (Copps Coliseum, 29/12/87)
4) Butch Reed vs Dave Stoudimire (Superstars of Wrestling)
5) British Bulldogs vs The Conqistadors (Boston, 9/1/88)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 40
1) Strike Force vs Hart Foundation (Boston, MA)
2) Scott Casey vs Jose Estrada (MSG, 25/1/88)
3) Randy Savage vs Honky Tonk Man (MSG, 26/12/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 41
1) Omar Atlas vs Dusty Wolfe (MSG, 25/1/88)
2) Rougeau Brothers vs The Conqistadors (MSG, 26/12/87)
3) Koko.B.Ware vs Dino Bravo (MSG, 26/12/87)
4) Don Muraco vs Iron Mike Sharpe
5) Killer Bees vs Islanders (MSG, 26/12/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 42
1) Young Stallions vs Steve Lombardi & Barry Horowitz (MSG, 25/1/88)
2) Junk Yard Dog vs Butch Reed (MSG, 25/1/88)
3) Danny Davis vs Sam Houston (MSG, 25/1/88)
4) Bolshevicks vs Jerry Gray & Rex King
5) Rick Rude vs Ricky Steamboat (MSG, 26/12/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 43
1) Rougeau Brothers vs Steve Lombardi & Barry Horowitz
2) SD Jones vs Dino Bravo (Spectrum)
3) Brady Boone vs Iron Mike Sharpe (Spectrum)
4) Honky Tonk Man vs Lance Allen
5) Hulk Hogan & Bam Bam Bigelow vs Ted Dibiase & Virgil (MSG, 25/1/88)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 44
1) British Bulldogs vs Mike Sharpe & Terry Gibbs
2) Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude (Spectrum, 9/1/88)
3) Nikolai Volkoff vs Jim Powers (Spectrum)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 45
1) Sivi Afi vs Frenchy Martin
2) Hillbilly Jim vs Brian Costello
3) Killer Bees vs Barry O & Les Thornton
4) Hulk Hogan vs Harley Race (MSG, 18/5/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 46
1) Hercules vs Salvatore Bellemo (Boston, 1/11/86)
2) Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff on camels
3) Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff vs John Centino & Scott McGee
4) Magnificent Muraco vs Paul Orndorff (Boston, 27/6/86)(joined in progress)
5) Hart Foundation & Honky Tonk Man vs Davey Boy Smith, Junk Yard Dog & Tito Santana
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 47
1) Jake Roberts vs Sivi Afi (MSG, 25/8/86)
2) Nick Kinisky vs Frenchy Martin
3) Young Stallions vs Bob Orton & Magnificent Muraco
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 48
1) Ultimate Warrior vs Bob Emery
2) Haku vs Leaping Lanny Poffo
3) Jim Neidhart vs Bad News Brown (MSG, 25/6/88)
4) Bam Bam Bigelow vs Honky Tonk Man (EXCLUSIVE)
5) Jake Roberts & Jim Duggan vs Ted Dibiase & Virgil (Huntsville, AL)(EXCLUSIVE)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 49
1) Young Stallions vs Gino Carabello & Tom Barnett
2) Ken Patera vs Demolition Ax (MSG, 22/2/88)
3) Junk Yard Dog vs Demolition Smash (MSG, 22/2/88)
4) Brutus Beefcake vs Ted Dibiase (EXCLUSIVE)
5) Ultimate Warrior vs Hercules (MSG, 25/4/88)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 50
1) Sam Houston vs Terry Gibbs (MSG, 18/5/87)
2) Outback Jack vs Frenchy Martin (Toronto, Canada)
3) B Brian Blair vs Brutus Beefcake (MSG, 20/10/86)
4) Junk Yard Dog & Ricky Steamboat vs Magnificent Muraco & Mr.Fuji (Baltimore, MD)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 51
1) Pedro Moralas vs Jimmy Jack Funk (Boston, MA)
2) The Shadows vs Young Stallions (Spectrum)
3) Terry Gibbs vs Tom McGee
4) Rougeau Brothers vs Dino Bravo & Greg Valentine (Spectrum)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 52
1) Corporal Kirchner vs Iron Mike Sharpe (Toronto)
2) Paul Roma vs Barry O (Toronto)
3) Rick Martel vs Brutus Beefcake (Spectrum)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 53
1) Young Stallions vs Rick Ganter & Tom Stone
2) Rougeau Brothers vs Rick Renslow & Dave Wagner
3) Junk Yard Dog vs Bad News Brown
4) Jake Roberts vs Dino Bravo (MSG, 22/2/88)
5) Randy Savage vs Ted Dibiase (MSG, 27/5/88)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 54
1) King Haku vs Bob Emery
2) Ted Dibiase vs Jim Brunzell
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 55
1) Rougeau Brothers vs Tim Horner & Jeff Gaylord
2) Boris Zuchoff vs Paul Roma (Toronto)
3) Twin Towers vs Red Taylor & JT Thomas
4) Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect (Boston, MA)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 56
1) Rick Martel vs Jim Evans
2) Bushwhackers vs Chris Curtis & Al Gore
3) Akeem vs Big John Studd (Williamson, NY)
4) Hillbilly Jim & Blue Blazer vs Bad News Brown & Brooklyn Brawler (Duluth, MN)
5) Ted Dibiase vs Jake Roberts (MSG, 24/4/89)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 57
1) Rockers vs Danny Davis & Barry Horowitz
2) Brutus Beefcake vs Mike Thomas
3) Mr. Perfect vs Jim Powers (Duluth, MN)
4) Jim Neidhart vs The Barbarian (Boston, MA)
5) Dino Bravo vs Hercules (MSG, 24/4/89)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 58
1) Brutus Beefcake vs Tom Burton
2) Jimmy Snuka vs George South (Syracuse, NY)
3) Paul Roma vs The Warlord
4) Rougeau Brothers vs Rockers (Nassau Coliseum)
5) Greg Valentine vs Jake Roberts (Omaha, NB)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 59
1) Bushwhackers vs Black Knight & Tony Leonie
2) Honky Tonk Man vs Gene Wiggin (Dallas, TX)
3) Tim Horner vs Barry Horowitz (Boston, MA)
4) Jake Roberts vs Tom Burton
5) Ultimate Warrior vs Scott Cotan
6) Mr. Perfect vs Tito Santana (Rockford, IL)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 60
1) Rockers vs Sandy Beach & Boris Zuchoff
2) Jim Powers vs Mike Sharpe (Meadowlands, NJ)
3) Brooklyn Brawler vs Marc Young (A young Shane McMahon is referee!)
4) Rougeau Brothers vs Terry Daniels & Mario Mancini (Niagara Falls, NY)
5) Brutus Beefcake vs Greg Valentine (Nassau Coliseum)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 61
1) Bushwhackers vs Dusty Wolfe & ?? (Rockford, IL)
2) Paul Roma vs Sandy Beach (Nassau Coliseum)
3) The Widowmaker vs Terry Daniels
4) Honky Tonk Man vs Jimmy Snuka (Niagara Falls, NY)
5) Powers of Pain vs Hart Foundation (Nassau Coliseum)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 62
1) Rick Martel vs Koko B Ware
2) Ultimate Warrior vs Brooklyn Brawler (Unica, NY)
3) Rockers vs Rougeau Brothers (Nassau Coliseum)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 63
1) Rockers vs Danny Davis & Mike Sharpe
2) Junk Yard Dog vs Hercules (Meadowlands)
3) Terry Taylor vs David Isley
4) Demolition vs John Latu & Scott Casey
5) Hulk Hogan vs Bad News Brown (Meadowlands)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 64
1) Hart Foundation vs Gene Ligons & Tony Suber
2) Big Bossman vs Ken Patera (Boston)
3) Young Stallions vs The Conqistadors
4) Bad News Brown vs Jim Brunzell
5) Ultimate Warrior vs Honky Tonk Man (Boston, MA)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 65
1) Jim Powers vs Chris Curtis
2) Brain Busters vs Sam Houston & Scott Casey (Brain Busters WWF debut)
3) Blue Blazer vs Jose Estrada
4) B Brian Blair vs Danny Davis
5) Randy Savage vs Dino Bravo (Toronto, Canada)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 66
1) Young Stallions vs Sandy Beach & Mike Sharpe
2) Barry Horowitz vs DJ Peterson (Spectrum)
3) Jake Roberts vs Bob Blackburn
4) Junk Yard Dog vs One Man Gang
5) Rockers vs Rougeau Brothers
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 67
1) Powers of Pain vs Sandy Beach & Brian Costello
2) Rockers vs Conqistadors (MSG, 29/9/88)
3) Ultimate Warrior vs Porkchop Cash
4) Rick Rude vs Tito Santana
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 68
1) Hart Foundation vs Bob Bryant & Al Heartland
2) Honky Tonk Man vs Jim Evans
3) Scott Casey vs Sandy Beach (MSG, 29/9/88)
4) B Brian Blair vs Dino Bravo (MSG, 29/9/88)
5) Demolition vs British Bulldogs (Spectrum)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 69
1) Rockers vs Larry Stevens & Gene Ligon
2) Red Rooster vs Sam Houston (MSG, 29/9/88)
3) Big Bossman vs Koko.B.Ware (Los Angeles, CA)
4) Jake Roberts vs Bob Blackburn
4) King Haku vs Junk Yard Dog (MSG, 29/9/88)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 70
1) Young Stallions vs Steve Lombardi & Mike Sharpe
2) Mr Perfect vs Sam Houston (MSG)
3) Nikolai Volkoff vs Jim Duggan (EXCLUSIVE)
4) King Haku vs Jim Brunzell (Boston, MA)
5) Big Bossman vs Hulk Hogan (Toronto, Canada)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 71
1) Jake Roberts vs Steve Lombardi
2) Chris Zarna vs Bad News Brown
3) Young Stallions vs Rick Gatner & Tom Stone
4) Hercules vs Bill Bowman
5) Junk Yard Dog vs Terry Gibbs
6) Dino Bravo vs Ken Patera (Tug of War)
7) Rougeau Brothers vs Rick Renslow & Dave Wagner
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 72
1) Ultimate Warrior vs John Laroo (Tampa, FL)
2) Mr. Perfect vs Tim Horner (Boston)
3) Iron Mike Sharpe vs Barry Horowitz (Boston, MA)
4) Big Bossman vs Jim Powers (Toronto)
5) Rockers vs Conqistadors (Los Angeles, CA)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 73
1) Leaping Lanny Poffo vs Danny Spivey (Copps Coliseum, 29/12/87)
2) Strike Force vs Tiger Chung Lee & Dave Wagner
3) Bret Hart vs Paul Roma (Copps Coliseum, 29/12/87)
4) Jake Roberts vs Ted Dibiase (Boston, MA)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 74
1) Sam Houston vs Barry Horowitz (Houston, TX)
2) Junk Yard Dog vs Hercules (Spectrum)
3) SD Jones vs Steve Lombardi (Toronto, Canada)
4) Young Stallions vs Dino Bravo & Greg Valentine (Toronto)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 75
1) Bushwhackers vs Gladiator & Sandy Beach (Niagra Falls)
2) Koko.B.Ware vs Boris Zuchoff
3) Jose Louis Rivera vs The Genius
4) Twin Towers vs George Skaaland & Chuck Willams (Unica, NY)
5) Jimmy Snuka vs Ted Dibiase
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 76
1) Islanders vs Scott Casey & Van Van Horne
2) Koko.B.Ware vs Rick Rude
3) Demolition vs Billy Jack Haynes & Ken Patera (Copps Coliseum, 29/12/87)
4) Bam Bam Bigelow vs King Kong Bundy (Spectrum)
5) Killer Bees vs The Bolshevicks
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 77
1) Rougeau Brothers vs Chris Duffy & unknown
2) Barry Horowitz vs Jose Louis Rivera (MSG, 25/4/88)
3) Brady Boone vs Steve Lombardi (MSG, 25/4/88)
4) One Man Gang vs Bam Bam Bigelow (MSG, 25/4/88)
5) Greg Valentine vs Jake Roberts (Toronto, 24/4/88)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 78
1) Koko B Ware vs Moondog Spot
2) Billy Jack Haynes vs Bob Orton (MSG)
3) Can Am Connection vs Danny Spivey & Jerry Allen
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 79
1) Ricky Steamboat vs Butch Reed
2) Nick Kininsky vs Frenchy Martin
3) Young Stallions vs Magnificent Muraco & Bob Orton (MSG)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 80
1) Leaping Lanny Poffo vs Magnificent Muraco
2) Outback Jack vs Jose Estrada
3) Tony Garea vs Jimmy Jack Funk
4) Can-Am Connection vs The Shadows (MSG)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 81
1) Rougeau Brothers vs unknowns
2) Leaping Lanny Poffo vs Frenchy Martin
3) Billy Jack Haynes vs Hercules (MSG)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 82
1) Koko B Ware vs Moondog Spot
2) Billy Jack Haynes vs Bob Orton (MSG)
3) Can Am Connection vs Danny Spivey & Jerry Allen
4) Ken Patera vs Honky Tonk Man (Boston, MA)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 83
1) Danny Spivey vs Lanny Poffo
2) Killer Bees vs The Shadows
3) Hillbilly Jim vs Honky Tonk Man
4) Terry Gibbs vs Sam Houston
5) Islanders & Bob Orton vs Billy Jack Haynes, Ken Patera & Magnificent Muraco
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 84
1) Koko B Ware vs John Ziegler
2) Danny Davis vs Brady Boone (Boston, MA)
3) Bruno Sammartino vs Hercules (Houston, TX)
4) Greg Valentine vs Brutus Beefcake
5) Ultimate Warrior & Don Muraco vs King Kong Bundy & Butch Reed (MSG)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 85
1) British Bulldogs vs Steve Lombardi & Bryant
2) Bad News Brown vs Bret Hart (MSG)
3) Dino Bravo vs Omar Atlas
4) Scott Casey vs Iron Mike Sharpe (Toronto, Canada)
5) Rougeau Brothers vs Killer Bees (Toronto, Canada)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 86
1) Strike Force vs Tony Ulisees & Chris Gatner
2) Steve Lombardi vs Jerry Allen (Toronto, Canada, 22/5/88)
3) Hercules vs Scott Casey
4) Bret Hart vs Pete Sanchez
5) Islanders (Haku & Sivi Afi) vs British Bulldogs (Toronto, Canada, 22/5/88)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 87
1) Rougeau Brothers vs Killer Bees (Superstars of Wrestling)
2) Jim Neidhart vs Don Muraco (MSG, New York, 27/5/88)
3) SD Jones vs The Conquistador (MSG, New York, 27/5/88)
4) Bam Bam Bigelow vs Hercules (Boston Gardens, 4/6/88)
5) One Man Gang vs Brutus Beefcake (MSG, New York, 27/5/88)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 88
1) Young Stallions vs Rick Renslow & Dave Wagner (Wrestling Challenge)
2) Rick Rude vs Don Muraco (Toronto, Canada, 24/4/88)
3) Iron Mike Sharpe vs Jerry Allen (MSG, New York, 27/5/88)
4) Hulk Hogan vs Boris Zuchoff (Superstars of Wrestling)
5) Hart Foundation vs Killer Bees (Fresno, CA, 31/5/88)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 89
1) Koko B Ware vs John Ziegler
2) Brady Boone vs Danny Davis (Boston, MA, 6/2/88)
3) Bruno Sammartino vs Hercules (Houston, TX, 28/8/87)
4) Greg Valentine vs Brutus Beefcake (Copps Coliseum, Ontario, Canada, 13/3/88)
5) Ultimate Warrior & Don Muraco vs Butch Reed & King Kong Bundy (MSG, 22/2/88)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 90
1) British Bulldogs vs Terry Gibbs & Iron Mike Sharpe (Wrestling Challenge)
2) Boris Zuchoff vs Hillbilly Jim (Spectrum, PA, 10/10/87)
3) Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude (Spectrum, PA, 9/1/88)
4) Nikolai Volkoff vs Jim Powers (Spectrum, PA, 10/10/87)
5) Strike Force vs The Islanders (Spectrum, PA, 5/12/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 91
1) Rougeau Brothers vs Harley Race & Iron Mike Sharpe (MSG, 22/2/88)
2) Ricky Steamboat vs Dino Bravo (Spectrum, PA, 6/2/88)
3) Hart Foundation vs Johnny Stewart & Sonny Rogers (Topeka, KS)
4) Leaping Lanny Poffo vs Terry Gibbs (Spectrum, PA, 6/2/88)
5) British Bulldogs vs The Bolshevicks (Spectrum, PA, 5/12/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 92
1) The Rockers vs Steve Lombardi & Tom Stone
2) Hercules vs Jose Louis Rivera
3) Brutus Beefcake vs Pete Sanchez
4) Jim Duggan vs One Man Gang (MSG, New York, 25/6/88)
5) British Bulldogs vs Bolshevicks (Boston, MA)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 93
1) The Rockers vs Mike Sharpe & unknown (joined in progress)
2) King Haku vs Joe Milano
3) Rougeau Brothers vs The Conquistadors (MSG, New York, 25/6/88)
4\) Ted Dibiase vs JT Thomas
5) Rick Rude vs Jake Roberts (Boston, MA, 9/7/88)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 94
1) King Haku vs Bob Emery
2) Ted Dibiase vs Jumping Jim Brunzell (Wheeling, WV, 3/8/88)
3) Honky Tonk Man vs George South
4) Hercules vs DJ Peterson
5) The Rockers vs Rougeau Brothers (MSG, New York, 25/7/88)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 95
1) Ultimate Warrior vs Tom Burton (Dayton, OH, 2/8/88)(joined in progress)
2) Headbanger Joe LeDuc vs Tito Santana (Cedar Rapids, IA, 14/7/88)
3) Killer Bees vs The Bolshevicks (Dayton, OH, 2/8/88)
4) One Man Gang vs Carmine (Binghamton, NY, 22/6/88)
5) Hulk Hogan vs King Haku (Dayton, OH, 2/8/88)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 96
1) Don Muraco vs Dave Wagner
2) Dino Bravo vs Sam Houston (Cedar Rapids, IA, 14/7/88)
3) Demolition vs Brady Boone & Billy Jack Haynes (Houston, TX, 11/12/87)
4) Honky Tonk Man vs Ultimate Warrior (WWF IC Championship) (WWF SummerSlam 88)
5) Powers of Pain vs The Bolshevicks (MSG, New York, 25/7/88)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 97
1) Hillbilly Jim & Sam Houston vs Gene Ligon & George South (Providence, RI)
2) Curt Hennig vs Jumping Jim Brunzell (Boston, MA, 10/9/88)
3) Hart Foundation vs Barry Horowitz & Chance McQuaid (Hartford, CT, 24/8/88)
4) Paul Roma vs Danny Davis (Boston, MA, 10/9/88)
5) Tito Santana vs Dino Bravo (Hartford, CT, 24/8/88)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 98
1) British Bulldogs vs Chris Knight & George Wells
2) Outlaw Ron Bass vs DJ Peterson
3) Hercules vs Gene Ligon
4) Ultimate Warrior vs Trent Knight
5) Blue Blazer vs Barry Horowitz (Boston, MA, 10/9/88)
6) Hart Foundation vs Rougeau Brothers (Meadowlands, NJ, 1/9/88)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 1 [9/13/87]
Brady Boone vs Iron Mike Sharpe (Boston, 8/15/87)
Ted Dibiase vs SD.Jones (Superstars of Wrestling)
Tama vs Scott Casey (MSG, 8/22/87)
Young Stallions vs Barry Horowitz & Steve Lombardi
Brutus Beefcake vs Harley Race (EXCLUSIVE)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 2 [9/20/87]
Rick Rude vs SD.Jones (Spectrum, Philadelphia 1987)
Paul Orndorff vs Nikolai Volkoff (Boston, MA, 8/15/87)
Honky Tonk Man vs Jerry Monti
Rougeau Brothers vs Dino Bravo & Johnny V (Boston, MA, 8/15/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 3 [9/27/87]
Brady Boone vs Jose Estrada (Boston, MA)
Killer Bees & Junk Yard Dog vs Tiger Chung Lee, Joe Mirto & Rick Renslow
Harley Race vs Hillbilly Jim (MSG, 9/21/87)
Dingo Warrior (Ultimate Warrior) vs Barry Horowitz (Boston, 8/15/87) Warrior’s Boston Debut
Greg Valentine vs Tito Santana
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 4 [10/4/87]
Dave Wagner & Rick Renslow vs Young Stallions
Rick Rude vs Sivi Afi
Hillbilly Jim vs Iron Mike Sharpe
Outback Jack & SD.Jones vs Darrell Nickell & Rudy Ryder
Paul Orndorff vs Billy Jack Haynes (Spectrum, 6/20/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 5 [10/11/87]
Killer Bees vs Greg Valentine & Dino Bravo (MSG)
Danny Spivey vs SD Jones (Boston, MA)
Koko.B.Ware vs Terry Gibbs
Ted Dibiase vs Junk Yard Dog
Honky Tonk Man vs Randy Savage (MSG, 9/21/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 6 [10/18/87]
Outback Jack vs Iron Mike Sharpe (joined in progress)
Strike Force vs Islanders (2/3 falls)(MSG, 10/16/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 7
Ted Dibiase vs Sivi Afi (Boston, 8/15/87)
Rick Rude vs Scott Casey (Spectrum, 7/18/87)
Killer Bees vs Steve Lombardi & Mike Sharpe (Superstars)
Hart Foundation vs Rick Martel & Junk Yard Dog
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 8
Brady Boone vs Barry Horowitz (Spectrum, 7/18/87)
Koko.B.Ware vs Nikolai Volkoff (MSG, 7/25/87)
Hillbilly Jim vs Butch Reed (MSG, 7/25/87)
IC Champ Honky Tonk Man vs Tito Santana (EXCLUSIVE)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge # 9
Terry Gibbs vs Brad Reingens
Jerry Allen vs Bob Orton (Boston, 7/11/87)
Sivi Afi vs Jose Estrada (Boston)
Hart Foundation vs Rougeau Brothers (Boston)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge #10
Red Demon vs Koko.B.Ware (Houston)
Nikolai Volkoff vs Tito Santana (MSG, 6/14/87)
Rougeau Brothers vs The Shadows
Hart Foundation vs Junk Yard Dog & Davey Boy Smith (Toronto)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge #11
Rick Martel vs Barry Horowitz
Jake Roberts vs Dusty Wolfe (Superstars of Wrestling)
Hillbilly Jim vs Steve Lombardi
Lanny Poffo vs Dave Barbi
Young Stallions vs The Shadows (Spectrum, 6/20/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge #12
Hillbilly Jim vs Iron Mike Sharpe
Jim Powers vs Shadow #2 (Boston, 7/11/87)
Hulk Hogan vs Bob Orton (Superstars of Wrestling)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge #13
Killer Bees vs Greg Valentine & Dino Bravo (Toronto, 6/28/87)
Honky Tonk Man vs Ken Patera (MSG, 5/18/87)
Tito Santana, Hillbilly Jim & Billy Jack Haynes vs Jobbers (JIP)
Ken Patera vs Nikolai Volkoff
Young Stallions vs Hart Foundation (Superstars of Wrestling)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge #14
Paul Orndorff vs Pedro Moralas (Toronto, 2/15/87)
Cpr.Kirchner vs Johnny K-9 (Toronto)
Dino Bravo vs Scott Casey (Boston, 7/11/87)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge #15
Paul Orndorff vs Junk Yard Dog (MSG, 6/14/87}
Killer Khan vs Outback Jack (Superstars of Wrestling)
Bob Orton Jr. vs Frankie Lane
Islanders vs Brutus Beefcake & Greg Valentine (Boston, 12/6/87
British Bulldogs vs Hercules & King Harley Race
WWF International Wrestling Challenge #16
Jim Powers vs Iron Mike Sharpe (Spectrum)
Powers of Pain vs Larry Stevens & Bob Blackburn
Mr Perfect vs B Brian Blair (Spectrum, 9/24/88)
Junk Yard Dog vs Red Rooster
Hart Foundation vs Rougeau Brothers (Spectrum)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge #17
Rockers vs Mike Sharpe & Jose Estrada
Lanny Poffo vs Boris Zuchoff (Los Angeles)
Ron Garvin vs Greg Valentine (Los Angeles)
Ted Dibiase vs Omar Atlas
Brutus Beefcake vs Mr.Perfect (MSG, 1/23/89)
WWF International Wrestling Challenge #18
Jake Roberts vs Tom Burton (Demoine, Iowa)
Rockers vs Chris Duffy & Gary Royal (Syracuse, NY)
The Genius vs Jim Powers (Boston, 4/22/89)
Tim Horner vs Rick Martel
Bushwhackers vs Brain Busters (Toronto)
WWF Australian Wrestling Challenge # 1
Hillbilly Jim vs Steve Lombardi
Islanders vs Magnificent Muraco & Bob Orton
Junk Yard Dog & Ricky Steamboat vs Mr. X & Moondog Spot
Can-Am Connection vs Brutus Beefcake & Greg Valentine (MSG, 1/19/87)
WWF Australian Wrestling Challenge # 2
Junk Yard Dog vs AJ Petruzzi
Dynamite Kid vs Moondog Rex (Houston, TX)
Outback Jack vs Barry O (MSG)
Hart Foundation vs Rougeau Brothers (Boston, MA)