• ON THIS DAY IN WCW HISTORY (June 4, 1989) – NWA Main Event
On this day in 1989, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling presented an episode of their weekly TV show ‘NWA Main Event’.
This episode featured matches, interviews & storyline segments on the road to the ‘NWA The Great American Bash 1989’ PPV.
The card can be found below:
– Terry Funk vs. Johnny Rich
– Terry Funk interviews “Rick Flaire” (a guy imitating Ric Flair)
– Ricky Santana vs. Jack Victory
– The Samoan Swat Team vs. Scott Steiner & Randy Rose
– “The Gator” Scott Hall Promo
• Eric Bischoff Reveals The Reason He Was Removed From The Executive Director Of SmackDown Position
While speaking to talkSPORT, former WCW President Eric Bischoff revealed the reason behind WWE removing him from the position of Executive Director of SmackDown.
Bischoff was chosen to run SmackDown last year, but the job didn’t fit him and he was soon replaced by Bruce Prichard.
Below is what Bischoff said:
“What I underestimated was just how difficult that adaptation would be for anybody that is good at adapting. It takes time. And I didn’t manage that well.
My lack of performance, if you will, in terms of not fulfilling the role in the way that Vince McMahon saw it, that was on me. That wasn’t on WWE. It wasn’t because of any one person or group of people. It was on me and my failure to adapt.
I just didn’t work out. It was a bad fit and more of a chemistry issue, really, than anything else.”