• ON THIS DAY IN WCW HISTORY (May 19, 1990) – NWA World Wide Wrestling
On this day in 1990, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘NWA World Wide Wrestling’.
This episode featured pre-taped matches & storyline segments on the road to the “WCW Capital Combat 1990” PPV.
The card can be found below:
State Patrol vs. Rock ‘n’ Roll Express
Zan Panzer vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
Joe Cruz & Mike Wenner vs. Doom
Galaxian One vs. Tommy Rich
Challenge Match: Fabulous Freebirds vs. Southern Boys
• Martha Hart Recalls A Prank Owen Hart Pulled On Her, On Their Son Doing The Same Things
While speaking on Talk Is Jericho, Martha Hart said that she agreed to an episode of Dark Side Of The Ring on Owen Hart because it’s going to tell a story about him that needs to be told.
She also said that Owen was known for his legendary pranks and she wasn’t spared from many of them.
She recalled a prank that the late WWF Legend pulled on her:
“One thing that he did to me that just drove me crazy [was] he knew that I was afraid of mice…you know how you have your tea and it’s hooked to the bag and hooked on a string.
So he would take it and he would tape it into the cupboard so when I would open the cupboard door it would swing out at me. Just silly harmless things like that. It would just be like ‘oh my god’ just little pranks all the time, you know.
Oje has a lot of the same sort of humor and characteristics that his dad does. What used to kind of annoy me with Owen I kind of find it endearing in Oje. I like that it’s like ‘oh, okay you got that trait from your dad’.”
Also Read: Martha Hart Explains Why She’ll Never Allow WWE To Induct Owen Hart In Their ‘Garbage’ Hall Of Fame
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