• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (May 20, 2001) – WWF Sunday Night HEAT
On this day in 2001, the World Wrestling Federation aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF Sunday Night HEAT’.
It was broadcasted from the Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky and featured pre-taped matches, interviews & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WWF Judgment Day 2001’ PPV, that took place later on the same day.
The card can be found right here:
1. Raven vs. Val Venis
2. Crash & Hardcore Holly vs. TAKA Michinoku & Sho Funaki
• Martha Hart Responds To WWE’s Lawyer Claiming She Didn’t Want To Get To The Bottom Of Owen Hart’s Death
After Martha Hart accused WWE of being responsible for Owen Hart’s death due to their cost-cutting shortcuts, WWE’s lawyer Jerry McDevitt responded to her on CBS (tap here to read more).
While speaking to The Daily Beast, Martha responded to McDevitt’s statement against her:
“In response to Jerry McDevitt’s recent comments I want to make it very clear, if there was one person on this planet who wanted to get to the bottom of what happened to my husband Owen, it was me!
The defense on the other hand was doing everything in their power to muddy the waters (as they try to continue to do) in an effort to detract from the case because they didn’t have one.
I read every single affidavit taken, sat through endless face-to-face depositions, and spent over a year of my life dissecting every solitary fact of this case. To insinuate for one second that I of all people did not care about the truth behind Owen’s death, but instead was more interested in a ridiculous vendetta against the wrestling business, is beyond the pale.
Jerry McDevitt’s comments are absolutely absurd, reckless, and pathetic. I am not surprised that the WWE would trot out Mr. McDevitt to do damage control. After all, the events surrounding Owen’s death and the aftermath that followed are extremely disturbing and do not reflect well on their company.
Not to mention that Linda McMahon was the acting CEO of the WWF (now WWE) at the time of Owen’s death, which does not bode well for them either, especially given her ties to President Donald Trump and his administration.
At the end of the day, truth has always been my defense and for anyone who seeks it regarding this case and the events surrounding Owen’s death I suggest they read my book. It is all in there.”
Also Read: Martha Hart Accuses The Hart Family Of Working Against Her, Bret Hart Fires Back
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