• ON THIS DAY IN NWA HISTORY (June 21, 1986) – NWA PRO Wrestling
On this day in 1986, Jim Crockett Promotions aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘NWA PRO Wrestling’.
This episode featured pre-taped matches, interviews & storyline segments featuring the 1986 NWA Wrestling Superstars.
The card can be found below:
– Warlord vs. Mike Simani
– Midnight Express vs. Rocky Kernodle/Todd Champion
– Steve Regal vs. George South
– Hector Guerrero vs. Golden Terror
– Don Kernodle vs. Thunderfoot
– Barbarian vs. Denny Brown
– Arn Anderson/Tully Blanchard vs. Sam Houston/Tony Zane
• The Undertaker Reveals That The Ultimate Warrior Got Frustrated When He No-Sold His Moves
While speaking on WWE’s After The Bell podcast with Corey Graves, The Undertaker discussed him no-selling his opponents’ moves due to his strong character back in the day.
He recalled the time when The Ultimate Warrior got frustrated and asked him to sell something during their match.
Below is what The Phenom said:
“Most people they had to work towards me, work towards that character. That character was a monster. I didn’t sell that much.
I remember one night Ultimate Warrior…he had been beating on me and pounding on me and just everything — he knocked me down, I sit up, I’m coming back up.
Finally he goes — and I thought I was, but evidently I wasn’t — he goes, ‘Mark are you gonna sell anything tonight?!’ I was like, ‘okay Jim here we go let’s do this let’s try that.’ I blew guys up early on.”
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