WWF Veteran Paul Roma was interviewed by Newsnation, where he discussed the ring boy scandal of the World Wrestling Federation in the 90s, which involved Pat Patterson, Terry Garvin and Mel Phillips.
During this interview, Roma claimed that WWF wrestlers were asked to do $exual things with other men. If they refused, they’d be fired.
Here’s what Roma said:
“It was pretty regular, you heard it on a regular basis for the most part. Then you wouldn’t hear it for a while. Then it would come full circle. But it wasn’t so much Vince as it was the people that he had surrounding him.
You talk about an industry where you have young, good looking, well-built men in the ring. Half naked, three quarters naked actually. It left the door open. He had a lot of people around him, Vice Presidents and bookers that were very much into that.
They put you in a really bad situation especially once you start making some money and you kind of get comfortable with that and then you find out that your job’s on the line.
Either do it or get fired. I witnessed quite a few that walked away…
They were asked to do things. $exual things with other men that they did not want to do. My former partner being one of them…”
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