• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (April 14, 2001) – WWF Jakked / WWF Metal
On this day in 2001, the World Wrestling Federation aired an episode of their weekly syndicated TV show ‘WWF Jakked’ (night version) aka ‘WWF Metal’ (afternoon version).
It featured pre-taped mid-card matches on the road to the ‘WWF Backlash 2001’ PPV.
The card can be found right here:
– Steve Blackman & Grandmaster Sexay vs. Kaientai
– Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko vs. Alex Arion & Low-Ki
– K-Kwik vs. Johnny Swinger
– Haku vs. Dukes Dalton
• WWE Deemed Essential Business In Return For $18.5 Million
As we noted before, WWE is back to doing their weekly shows live starting this week, and now, the Florida officials are behind them as well.
During a press conference yesterday, Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings revealed that Florida Governor Rick Desantis has deemed WWE as an essential business:
“I think initially there was — a review that was done and they were not initially deemed an an essential business.
With some conversation with the governor’s office regarding the governor’s order, they were deemed an essential business. And so therefore, they were allowed to remain open.”
You can watch it below:
In an update to this, Stephanie Coueignoux and Jon Alba did a report on how $18.5 million could have played a role in WWE being deemed an essential business.
Take a look at the following timeline:
– April 1st: Florida Governer Ron DeSantis issues an executive order for essential services. This was after speaking to Donald Trump.
– April 9th: DeSantis altered the order to include professional sporting events and media productions.
– April 9th: Linda McMahon announced that her Presidential Super PAC will spend $18.5 million in Tampa and Orlando, Florida.
– April 10th: Reports broke of Vince McMahon deciding to go live.
— Stephanie Coueignoux (@StephanieCNews) April 14, 2020
.@StephanieCNews and I pieced together this timeline regarding #WWE:
April 9: DeSantis qualifies WWE as essential. Same day, Linda McMahon's re-elect Trump Super PAC commits $18.5 million to Florida.
April 10: Vince McMahon reportedly made decision to tape live in Orlando. https://t.co/lmyomQUmSp
— Jon Alba (@JonAlba) April 14, 2020
I have asked how @WWE is "critical to Florida's economy": no audience, only essential personnel- what revenue is being generated and if so- how is it benefiting Florida residents and taxpayers? I'm waiting on @GovRonDeSantis office to respond. @MyNews13 #n13covid19
— Stephanie Coueignoux (@StephanieCNews) April 14, 2020
.@OrangeCoSheriff was called again yesterday (April 13) regarding the live Monday Night Raw taping, but at that point, the new Executive Order signed April 9 allowed for #WWE to operate as an essential business.
— Jon Alba (@JonAlba) April 14, 2020
WATCH: Extremely Hot Video Of Renee Young’s (Wife Of Dean Ambrose / Jon Moxley) Bare Butt: