On this day in Pro Wrestling history on January 30, 1991, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired ‘WCW Clash Of The Champions...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on January 27, 1994, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired ‘WCW Clash Of The Champions...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on January 25, 1997, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired ‘nWo Souled Out’ LIVE on...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on January 25, 1995, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired ‘WCW Clash Of The Champions...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on January 24, 1998, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired their annual ‘WCW Souled Out’...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on January 24, 1988, Jim Crockett Promotions aired ‘NWA Bunkhouse Stampede 1988’ event LIVE on...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on January 24, 1999, the World Wrestling Federation aired their annual ‘Royal Rumble’ event LIVE...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on January 24, 1993, the World Wrestling Federation aired their annual ‘Royal Rumble’ event LIVE...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on January 24, 1988, the World Wrestling Federation aired the first ever ‘Royal Rumble’ LIVE...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on January 23, 1996, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired ‘WCW Clash Of The Champions...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on January 23, 2000, the World Wrestling Federation aired their annual ‘Royal Rumble’ event LIVE...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on January 22, 1995, the World Wrestling Federation aired their annual ‘Royal Rumble’ event LIVE...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on January 22, 1994, the World Wrestling Federation aired their annual ‘Royal Rumble’ event LIVE...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on January 21, 1997, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired ‘WCW Clash Of The Champions...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on January 21, 1991, the World Wrestling Federation held a televised house show in the...