On this day in Pro Wrestling history on December 28, 1990, the World Wrestling Federation held a televised house show in the...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on December 28, 1992, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired ‘Starrcade 1992: BattleBowl-The Lethal Lottery...
• Old School Wrestling Legend Celebrates His Birthday Old School Puroresu Legend Tatsumi Fujinami turns 64 today. While originally being a famous...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on December 27, 1998, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired their annual ‘Starrcade’ event LIVE...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on December 27, 1995, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired their annual ‘Starrcade’ event LIVE...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on December 27, 1994, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired their annual ‘Starrcade’ event LIVE...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on December 27, 1993, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired their annual ‘Starrcade’ event LIVE...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on December 26, 1988, WCW aired ‘NWA Starrcade 1988’ LIVE on PPV from the Norfolk...
• An Angry & Drunk Randy Savage Almost Beat Up Misfits’ Frontman & Drummer In WCW During a recent interview with Michael...
During a recent interview with CBS Sports, former WCW Star Buff Bagwell talked about WWF buying WCW, his issues with WWE Hall...
During a recent edition of Kayfabe Commentaries’ Vince Russo Attitude, WWF Attitude Era Veteran Ken Shamrock revealed that he turned down an...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on December 17, 2000, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired their annual ‘Starrcade’ event LIVE...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on December 16, 1990, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired ‘NWA Starrcade 1990’ LIVE on...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on December 15, 1996, the World Wrestling Federation aired ‘WWF In Your House 12: It’s...
During a recent appearance on The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling podcast, WWF Veteran Henry Godwinn talked about the B.S.K, The...