On this day in Old School Pro Wrestling history on November 25, 1992, the WWF aired their annual Survivor Series PPV LIVE...
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on November 22, 1990, Survivor Series 1990 took place and this event featured the official...
During a recent interview with Calgary Herald, former WWF Champion Bret Hart talked about punching Vince McMahon and knocking him out after...
On this day in Old School Pro Wrestling history on November 15, 1998, the WWF aired their annual Survivor Series PPV LIVE...
12 Years ago on this day in 2005, WWE Hall of Famer & former WWE Champion Eddie Guerrero passed away at the...
On this day in 1997, the infamous ‘Montreal Screwjob’ took place, when Vince McMahon screwed Bret “The Hitman” Hart in the main...
On this day in Old School Pro Wrestling history on November 7, 1985, the WWF aired ‘The Wrestling Classic’ LIVE on PPV...
During a recent interview with Title Match Wrestling, former WCW Star Buff Bagwell said that Jim Ross ruined his career. Below is...
Adult movie star Jenna Jameson revealed an interesting encounter with The Undertaker in her autobiography. Below is what she said: “The Undertaker...
During a recent appearance on Edge & Christian’s “E&C’s Pod Of Awesomeness” podcast, WWF Veteran and current Raw Superstar Goldust talked about...
During a recent edition of “The Brand” podcast, Vince Russo, Glenn Gilbertti (WCW’s Disco Inferno) & Jeff Lane (co-host) discussed Bret Hart...
During a recent appearance on Submission Radio, UFC Hall of Famer Don Frye talked about late great Old School WWF Legend “Mr....
During a recent edition of Edge & Christian’s “E&C’s Pod of Awesomeness” podcast, the former WWF Tag Team Champions discussed the end...
During a recent appearance on Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast, former WWF & WCW World Heavyweight Champion Bret “Hitman” Hart talked about Eric...
During a recent edition of Vince Russo’s “The Brand” podcast, Russo talked about coming up with the “Hell in a Cell” name,...